Re: Harry Potter First Availability?

@Truegamer, interesting, I have heard that "harry potter and the relics of death" or some varient there of was the usual translation, which is why I found the german one interesting since it seemed to be slightly different, and as I said, the way jk uses "hallows" is a rather eccentric use in english so I can see "relics" being the nearest translation though whether the angle of that also meaning holy, sacred or religious comes across in other translations I don't know.

Regarding the American vs British English thing, it's not really an emotional matter or to say that one is better. I actually agree with you, and the thought of reading something very American, ---- like say Jim Butchers' Harry dresden books with convertions into British English would be just plane weerd, eg, Harry living in a ground floor flat instead of a basement apartment, however unfortunately when books and other materials are imported into the states they g et this weerd translation, as if  publishers, film makers etc have such a low opinion of the intelligence of Americans that they don't expect people in the states to understand that a series like harry potter might not! actually take place in America big_smile.

There's an interesting discussion of this by Terry Pratchett on The anotated pratchett archive see the section labled "words from the master" and that  on his book truckers, indeed in the case of Pratchett I gather American readers have been quite justifyably narked at the alterations to the books.


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