Re: Let's really dig in to Tolkiin and Lord of the Rings,

@Dark abomination, I always admire swan's music, since swan was a highly accomplished composer, I even have a remastered recording of the original comedy variety show complete with songs he did with michael flanders, which includes such well known songs as mud glorious mud, have sum madeera me'deerand the gnu song. It also surprises me how much like gilber and sullivan's music it comes out as, but then again with the word smith like Tolkien and such a harmonic composer as swan it's not surprising.

he also apparently wrote an opera of Lewis sf novell, perelandra, but sadly there aren't any recordings that I can find, or none I've managed to get yet.

@Bryan, I'll have a look on youtube, and also ask around. I've seen the original animated lotr, which interestingly enough also features Michael graham cox and Peter woodthorp reprising their rolls as Boromir and golum respectively, though unfortunately it did suffer from many horribl e moments, including an amusingly quite camp frodo and some horrible misspronounciations, ---- eg, they renamed Saruman to Aruman just so he wouldn't be confused with Sauron, ---- who's name they also  also  pronounced sore ronn, with the first syllable as in chain sor (just what some people need), as opposed  to the first syllable being  sowe, as in rhyming with cow.

I've also heard the bbc adapted several of the tolkien's other stories including the farmer of Ham, which sort of serves as a prototype for the hobbit as it's also about a country farmer who overcomes a dragon by guile, and also a stand alone adaptation of the meeting with tom bombadil, though with different actors to the radio play.

I've also heard there is a lotr musical, though I've never seen it and have no idea how you condense so much story, even if it were the same length as something like les miserables. I have also seen two adaptations of the h obbit.

Btw, the bbc also eren't afraid to have the same actors portraying different rolls. i recently  listened to the radio adaptation of ursula Le Guin's wizard of earthsea, and that has several repeated actors, though it doesn't suffer too much since the repeats are well apart in the story thus making them less obvious. I think it was something that bert cools regularly did as producer since it also comes up in his sherlock holmes adaptations too, ---- though there it doesn't matter as much, ---- heck several of the random parts even in the bbc lotr play were repeats, such as Knob butterbur's assistant who regularly turned up as orcs, ruffieens, soldiers or various other extraas, ditto with paul broook, John weeb, Gorden Read and several others, though in fairness these only turn up for smaller parts rather than major ones.

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