Re: Another dilema

My life has been a living hell the last few days, and I really do not have a valid reason to say so. My reason, even though valid, was that I asked her that if you really wanna play music I'll start looking for a place to do it at. She never responded to that, and I yet had seen her online for quite some times. I felt so god damn sad about it.
And like 10 minutes ago, I thought, what the hell, let's try this again. So I sent a hi and emmediately got a hi back, which made me smile. I guess the previous message didn't get through or something else happened. THere's also the possibility she completely ignored that one, it sure could.
But yes, she said that'd it'd be funny to play music with me, so I'll keep looking for a place, assuming that she wanted it. Heh if she didn't, it's her own fault and I will force her tongue
Ah aha jk, but I'll keep looking and when I find something, I'll take things from there.
THanks for all the fine words, I've given each and every one a thumbs up. They actually helped. Ok, so not be a timid little boy, I got it heh.
Well it's understandable seeing how no one pays attention to the shy people, well, except me. Hmm I guess shy is not the right word to describe her, I guess careful. Whatever ... I can't describe her with one word.

So now let's go out and act like the king of rock 'n roll big_smile
Or be myself smile


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