Just started on we're alive

While I know we obviously have a very big topic on this, I don't want spoilage, so starting another seemed like a good idea.

I started last night, and after spending a lot of time being up, am currently half way through chapter eight.

I must admit I like thus far. The audio quality is okay, (better than darker projects but not quite up to some of the commercial Doctor who stuff from big finish), however that doesn't matter to me so much as the acting and the writing, which are both very good.

I initially was a little wary at the start what with the hole thing beginning with michael and his military friends, their first rescue being a couple of girls etc. Earlier this year I read the zombi fall out series by Mark Tufo, which frankly was horrible, ---- though annoyingly I kept reading since it had potential. What made that series bad is that the main character was a right wing ex us army nutcase, and wrants aabout "a man's duty", "pa nsy liberals" and ridiculously characatured  sterriotypes really ruined what might have been a nice series (the emphasis on toilet humour didn't  really encourage either).

However I will say I was pleasantly surprised, both in the  way that though the main characters are military, but that they're not a "look as the us military aren't they invinsible" ---- accept maybe for gunny, aka bert,  and I rather like the idea he has his own issues.

Likewise, pegs' gun thing  which I thought initially would be a  anti liberal excuse, is actually a nicely handled social phobia. and though michael and the other guys have a little of the military thing, it's not out of character or treated as the be all and  end all solution they just complete hard men.

My only issue thus far is that the series is feeling a little too episodic,  with random adventures, and a lot of escapes, though I assume this wil l chnge in the future. I also hope the zombi evolution thing will continue. One issue I've seen in other works of zombi fiction (or indeed most appocalypse fiction), is that after you've gone through the initial shock and setting  up a base, things rather tale off  unless the threat can continue. Some  works solve this with a time skip, as indeed the original day of the triffids did, but with it being such a nice series for  handling stuff in minute detail  in real time I'd be disappointed if we're alive did this (again, this was something which zombi fall out started doing but taled off).

While I think Justin Cronin's passage series is my favourite  zombocalypse thus far, I am surprisingly enjoying we're alive, which given the huge  amount of zombi stuff is quite surprising,  it seems zombies are getting as   prevailent  as vampires these days, which is odd since the genre has  been aro und since the original "I am legend" (published in the the 1970's), or even before  that with works like day of the triffids, (though they aren't exactly zombies).

It's nice though that there is still  originality in the idea, even if at the   moment it seems that we're alive is more the case of something done well, than  a  completely original take on the genre.

Well, time to see if the mallers do any mawling big_smile.

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