Re: USA Games News 9/7/2013

Hanif, its actually called the Evolution Engine not the Revolution Engine. Big difference in names. big_smile

As far as a 3d version of Tomb Hunter that was on my things to do list, but honestly I'm not sure at the moment. I have a lot of irons in the fire, and I don't have much time ad energy as before to work on games, and so we will just have to play it by ear. If I do it I do it. If not I'm simply busy with something else more important.

Burak, no. If you have played any of the demos of Tomb Hunter Mysteries of the Ancients you know it is a 2d side-scroller not  3d FPS. I mentioned I was working on a 3d version, but that version has fallen way behind and I'm not sure I am going to finish it etc. Got too many other things to worry about right now than updating that version of the game.

@Aaron, I have thought about it, but here is the deal. Quentin's library is free for non-commercial use, but there is a licensing fee attached for use in commercial games. As I am trying to save money on Tomb Hunter and Raceway development I don't want to pay to license Quentin's library if I can help it. Maybe if I make a decent amount off those games I can add it in later, but I don't plan to do that at this time.


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