Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

First, that is a major feature and so likely won't be added. Second, if you are on a mission and get interrupted, well, there's not much you can do. The leader can kick you, and you lose only the rep you spent to join, which works well. If you are the leader you really have no option, hence my message earlier about leaders being able to kick themselves. Please, no safe zones in missions, that will just be horribly abused no matter what safeguards Aprone tries to add, and it opens up a whole other can of worms for him to deal with regarding lazy people who don't want to actually do a mission.

As to pausing, that probably won't happen either. Generally, multi-player games can't be paused because you are with a group of people, so what you do affects them and vice versa. Pausing the game for one player will... what? Is that player there to be attacked? If not, what happens when they re-appear and there are zombies, particularly on missions? What happens if the player pauses the game until the mission is over? Talk about truck sitting! You can pause single-player mode, which makes sense because you are alone, but pausing multi-player mode will never happen, I can say with near certainty.


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