Re: where can i find free chat rooms for my 12 yere old sisterr?

I generally tell people, young and old, that they need to realise that there are unfortunately bad people on the Internet. Don't fundamentally trust what you read in emails or on the web and don't just execute every program you're asked to or click every link you come across. Verify everything, from where links you click take you to, to the information you read. Remember that, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. As long as you don't approach the Internet with a fundamentally unquestioning attitude and just assume that everything and everyone is kosher, you should be fine. You can make friends, get to know and love people, and still not put yourself at risk. And, honestly, if you're in a good place the chances are pretty good that the community of people you're with will naturally insulate itself from bad people.

As for Dark's mountain bunker complex, well yes, that was quite a surprise. I won't link to the forum po st for his sake, but remember that it's publicly indexed and searchable where any old fool can find it with the right search query. smile To be honest though, I think Dark is a lot safer than I am; I have to publish quite a bit about me just to meet contractual obligations, and while I personally don't have too much of an issue with that (I need to be reachable by who I think are probably honest people, so I don't have a choice), I can see how other vulnerable people might. Fortunately, you do need to know where to look to find it.


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