Re: where can i find free chat rooms for my 12 yere old sisterr?

I dunno. I was on the internet, talking to random people at 12.  The tips I would offer are:
1.  Use an alias, and never give out your actual name.
2.  Never give out where you live.  If you live in a big city, saying something like "I'm in London" would be OK, but no more details than that.  Don't say what school you attend, what you live near, etc. 
3.  Never offer to meet in person anyone you've known online for less than 6 months or so.  If you do want to meet in person later on, meet at a shopping centre or somewhere else large and public, that is at least 15 minutes from your home.  When meeting a new person online, never go alone; take your parents or older brother with you, just in case. 
4.  Use basic computer safety: don't run random attachments in emails, if someone tells you to start putting strange commands in your computer that you don't understand don' ;t do it, etc. 
5.  If someone is making you uncomfortable, make sure to let your parents or someone else older know what's happening. 

Other than that, have fun!  The best way to find a chat room or forum you'll enjoy is to pick an interest (a Tv show, audio games, whatever) and find a community about that interest.  Sign up, and introduce yourself.


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