Re: ThingsI'd Like To See In Street Fighter V

I agree with most of these, but just a few things...
Which beta anounced the characters as you moved on the selection screen? I played all three beta phases and it never did that... unless that was strictly a pc thing. I too would like to see more accessibility but as has already been said, I doubt that capcom will implement anything like that. And I think when they said accessible they meant the actual fighting, not game menus which to them isn't important. And as much as I would prefer not having to memorize menus, I would rather them put more effort into the gameplay and balance than superficial things like talking menus. If I've lived without them for 15 years it won't be anything different to have to do so again.
I would like more critical arts as well, but since this game has clearly made its statements about going back to the basic roots of SF without all the bells and whistles some games have, this makes sense from a development point. After all, S F 2 only had one super per character in the turbo version, and SF 3, while allowing you to choose multiple critical arts before a match, only let you use one per match. But I would like to see more, definitely.
As for variable critical arts, that's an interesting concept, and there's probably a reason they haven't done it that many times in the games. Yun's super isn't even really a super... it's more of a powerup state where the usual framerates and combo restrictions don't apply similar to Juri's ultra. But again, I think the key they're trying to go for is back to basics, which explains a lot.
Combo breakers aren't really necessary imo, because street fighter has never been about long combos like MK or KI. Watch pro players and you'll notice that 7 or 8 hit combos don't happen often and so the need for a breaker simply isn't there. If you're being pounded in a corner online, there's always a gap in the attacks for you to counter with an anti-air, a grab, or a jump out of the way.
Retroactive intros would be cool, but like in story, it's a gimic... and doesn't really effect the fighting which is all Capcom and most of the FGC cares about. I'd like to see them though, personally, as well as selective win poses. And MK x executed some of them well... but some of those intro dialogs were just god awful, and I appologize if this offends anyone... but it's true.
And about regional dialects, if you're going to pay attention to asthetic details... this also doesn't make sense, and it's one of the things people find weird about tekken. From a story standpoint, there's no way that Ryu who speaks Japanese should be able to understand Chun Li's mandarin, Dictator's Thai, Zangief's Russian, etc.
As for background music during combo videos... most sighted people when recording those usually either don't have the sound there and just slap a track over the visuals, or they just let the music play and put the raw clips together.

Having said that, I think all these things, while good and things I agree with, aren't strictly necessary... SF IV lasted for 7 years with most of the flaws you mentioned. lol But I'm very much looking forward to this... and to playing some people online when the game comes out! Love that the pc and ps4 versions will be cross play compatible!

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