Re: Cleft of Dimensions: Anyone played it?

Hello everyone, I hope this post isn't old enough that I'm necro bumping so I apologize if I am. I just wanted to help clear a couple things up since I've played this game for a long time.

"Btw, two commands I would like to see as a vi player are firstly,the ability to show exits in a room so you don't have to reread the entire description just to find the directions on where to go, and secondly the ability to see what enemies/objects are in a room to interact with, ie, the glance command in most games."

1. There is a prompt token that can be used to show available exits, but sometimes exits are secret because they are hiding quest related areas.

2. There is a scan command that will show enemies and in some cases, objects which are coded as enemies so that they can be interacted with. Unfortunately, obtainable items don't have a glance command, but one could "get all" then just drop the obtained item afterwards if desired. If it's nighttime, you can still see those things in the same room you're in but not in nearby rooms because it's dark.

Until very recently, one of the dumb admins 'locked' the game's Brief mode a long time ago because he somehow thought that would force people to read the room descriptions. A new player would have to get an admin to set Brief to them. Thankfully, the option can now be toggled freely and I just tried it out myself, I wish I had it a long time ago.

As far as ASCII artwork goes, this MUD does have a handful of it but it's generally for cosmetic purposes where only one quest in a Level 60 area requires it (which I can easily write a substitution for, an immortal would just have to implement it). With the exception of a few town maps, the other maps in the game are more like a segmented world map, which is why they are in ascii. There is a mini-zone at Level 70 and one at Level 90 that use ASCII descriptions (a frozen over lake and a Mario Bros 2 style area, both are only about 8 rooms big), but both still use typical exit directions.

If I can get an immortal to do the help files for me, I'll ask them to copy the "Travel" section of the wiki I've pasted at the bottom of this post. I've been doing a lot of work on it over the past couple months to help people find places.

The introduction quest can actually take you to three different guard outposts, not just the one that's south. One of them involves the Runaway Five referenced above, one involves the Imp King also referenced above, and one not referenced above sends you through Rabite Forest to find some kids.

As for killing...I wouldn't call the game a killfest, but 90% of the quests in the game don't reward experience so one would have to kill things as they explore new areas to grow rather than solely questing. There is a balance and when I was newer, I'd find myself gaining the levels I needed as I bashed my head on the wall trying to figure out some of the more difficult quests. There's a "bodycount" feature that slightly reduces the amount of experience gained by tracking enemies that have been repeatedly killed to encourage variety and exploring areas of a similar level. Some secrets don't even show up on the 'quests' list so there's always something neat to find for the curious adventurer.

If anyone ever has any questions, you're more than welcome to ask over OOC or through tells. If we're not at work or idling, one of us will be more than happy to help. My primary characters are Dusk, Oboyo, and Caspio if you'd prefer to ask me specifically. I apologize again if this post is too old to be replying to. … gory:Areas

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