Re: FYI: DRM is Evil. Very, Very, Very Evil

The problem I tried to bring up per say is the problem of trust and when does it fit into this. some of whom knows about the DRM of audible most likely figures that audible is going to be around for long enough for it not to matter. Sometimes, people tend to forget about what happens when a company goes away. After all, audible has been around for to long right? A company like audible is in it for the money. They clearly don’t think that people can be trusted with DRM free books. This is a sticking point to those who really care. Add to that, it is clearly known how to remove said DRM. Another step in this trust line is the publishers of said books. Apple is clearly at the point where they can sell DRM free music and get away with it. Is audible at that point? Is it audible, or is it the book publishers that is the problem? I know that Apple isn’t selling DRM free movies yet, and I personally don’t like that. So please don’t get me wrong on this. As for Apple, is it the movie companies or is it Apple? As for blue rays, the DRM there is the HDCP or at least that is what it is called.

Excuse me, but when I buy a blue ray, why do you as the seller think that the HDCP is a good thing? Oh yeh, you are afraid that I will find some way of copying it. Maybe I will find away anyway? Anyway, back on topic.

So far, I know of no DRM that can’t, at some point, be broken. DRM has come into play partly because of money. You can say that the companies that use it doesn’t really trust the buyers to do the right thing. If a buyer does not, how easy is it to trace down? Think about all the different ways of file sharing you might see part of the problem. Let’s take a look at Windows. How many of us use windows. I bet you that most of us that do. Ok, no one has to answer the next question. How many of those copies of windows are legal? Ok, to hit home. We all enjoy audio games. A lot of the games we buy, we have to prove that we own it by punching in some kind of code. Could that be taken as DRM? Is that the same thing? Even so, we know or have heard of some people attempting to still such things. Can games be considered rent? Can windows be considered rent to us even though it is running on the computer we bought? When do we own something and or when is it considered renting? Another thing to take into account is transfer of ownership. What happens to such content, that we all like, such as audiobooks and music that we all like when we die? Let’s take this another step. How does one transfer ownership of such content. How can proof of ownership be proven if a transfer did happen? Keep in mind that data can be copied without loss to who knows how many different computers. Does the owner of such content revert back to the seller when you die? Who is responsible for backing up the content, the buyer or the seller? If the seller, couldn’t it be said that the content belongs to the seller? If the buyer, then wouldn’t the buyer have to buy it again if it is lossed? Seeing that ownership does come into play, how can we, as users of such content, and the sellers of such content be happy. Remember that if the seller isn’t happy, the product doesn’t get sold, and if the user isn’t happy, the product doesn’t get bought. At least, that is ruffly how it happens per say. In short, a lot of things need to be worked out before DRM goes away. Yes, it is not really good by a long shot, but how will this be solved? Oh yes, my head hirts. LOL.

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