Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi, first of all, happy birthday Swamp, and thank you Aprone for making this great game and maintaining it for 2 years. To prevent server load, I think have zombies invade the safe zone is not a good idea. Therefore, make it like this: those who swing their weapon against nothing will have their health decrease overtime, and eventually died off. I would suggest have the system automatically kick idle players, say after 10 minutes. So, if I go off the swamp window and reply e-mails, when I return after 10 minutes I have to login again in order to play. For those who continuously logged in after being kicked, yet do not play, the system will barred them for sometimes, about 30 minutes or so before they can logged back into the server. With this those who genuinely want to play will not feel frustrated when the server is full. At the same time, those who go away will not have their character died off.

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