Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Firstly, a belated happy birthday to the game which, and this isn't a melodramatic exageration, got me through my divorce!

Secondly, a safe zone is a safe zone. We don't need complicated rules for zombies invading or sound spammers outside of it since, if they're outside it, they can be hit by zombies anyway. If they're annoying you, go to a quieter part of the safe zone - all of them have one. Killing the guard is a really bad idea since you then have to have him respawn. What if the guard doesn't die and then he respawns? What if, instead of killing a guard, you end up with a whole platoon of minigunners outside? Hahaha! Also, what if the time the guard dies is precisely when somebody who really does need to hide and heal up arrives? If I'm on 2.9% health and have successfully mad it back to the only safe place in the game, I will not be happy to find that fuller of zombies than the tiles around it.

Regarding private servers, I think the original point of them has been lost. People are finding advantages and expecting one or two to become just as popular as the current server. I disagree with this. The original plan was for people to have private servers for them and their friends to play where hackers and people they don't know can be excluded. I'm almost certainly not the only Swamp player who has no contact with the VI community apart from on Swamp and who doesn't have a good friend with a handy server lying about where they will let me playySwamp to my heart's content. I'd like to think I'll have invites to other people's servers but I can't guarantee that. There will be scores, probably hundreds, of players who will be excluded from multi-player Swamp for good. Then there's the issue of how people choose who to let in. People will say "no symbols since we can't understand them". Apart from being flat-out racist, what about those who do speak English ( Bea, or however his name is spelled, for example)?

I guess I understand why it's become one of the only viable options for Swamp ttoallow it to remain an online game but it almost makes more sense to just make the offline version work so that you can save progress and access the differentt maps in the same game session and have done with it. That will do just the same to the community over all in my opinion.

Another thing which occurred to me is the matter of people's current progress. I've spent a long time over the last 18 months getting Street Sam to his current level and starting again would be hugely demoralising. Kai Day is fun but we know our other characters are safe and sound on the main server so it is just a diversion and a new challenge. Having to go all through this newbie stuff again, on each and every server I may have access to, feels like more of a chore than a new opportunity, especially if there's every chance the server(s) may then be taken off line and all that work will be lost... again.


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