Re: space odyssey a cool fleet managemennt mmorpg

Okay, I went through the tutorial in the guide and I do have a better idea about the game. I've not been attacked yet but I have carried out some missions and such, which have mostly worked, (the fleet the  guide gives you is much better than the one you end up with by default).

The only thing I do rather wonder is how to build bigger and better fleets, since I see lots of available fleets in buy fleets and various pre built equipment but I'm not sure what to do with them, though I suppose it's better to design everything myself just using bigger numbers when I have more money, though the design system is a bit complex and even though I've read the guide I'm still not absolutely certain on how to build a better fleet with enough power to fight those reavers.

Iv'e also not quite worked out what the quadrent map is supposed to do or how your meant to use it, though navigating the galaxy map is okay, (even with the unlabeled stars, sinc e at least the names are in the html address), and this game really does give more turns than you need.

Provided nobody attacks and wipes me out to nothing it might be fun, although it is very! heavy on the stats, indeed one thing that annoys me a little is the way that scansoft daniel reads numbers with separaters as individual numbers not as hole numbers, which makes a game like this more complex to play than it should be.

For example, where as orphius would read 15.000.000 as fifteen million, Scansoft daniel reads it as one five zero zero zero, zero zero zero, which can be somewhat annoying.


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