Re: drakor a newly discovered browser world

Well I doubt headings and standard controls will happen sinse they would take a major rewrite of the game's interface, and to be perfectly honest I don't see the need for them if people use their screen readers correctly.
The game page has two major sections.
The first tab is the page that has the number of online users, global perks, game stats, inventory, armory, explore the world etc at the top, what is going on in the middle and the time at the bottom.
Stuff that is a link such as pets, manual and my account change the section page.
The second page appears under the link to "drakor rules" and has in it either the chat by default, or things like the manual, questlog, pets info, account settings etc.

First, to turn on "accessibility mode" hit the link for account and find the check boxes, once you check them the change happens by default.
Then, in the chat pain (get back either by hitting the image for or by just hitting account again), go to "close MoTds" ie, the announcements of what game changes have occurred etc.
Now you will be ready to play.

First, quests and exploring.

You can always find where the main text of the page starts sinse the last link in the table is "pets" I ususally find this by going alt tab from the bottom and then reading down.
This will detail who is at a given location, with what players (you can click on these), a description of the area and a list of actions which include talkiing to npcs, mining, doing trades, hunting for creatures etc.
To do these things, hit the correct text. So to talk to an npc like the steward od Danar you meet, find the text that says "talk" under the steward's name (this should be easy with a few down arrow hints from pets).

Once you activate something like that the pannel will change and you'll get the information. To interact with an npc, jus t read and click on the text you want, eg, when you get given a quest click on the response like "Yes I will" or something like that. When your done, click on "back to adventure"

Under the actions menu, is a list of nearby areas you can click on for details, and a link to "view world map", this is inaccessible, but provides a good marker sinse the movement directions are just undernieth, these show the direction of travel, a timer, and the place, eg "south 6s, mudpits outside danar"

The questlog that I believe Slj was looking at is a list of all in game quests which shows how complete they are. You can click on each quest for a reminder of where you are with it and what your looking for, however to actually initiate the quests you need to talk to npcs (you will find one at the gates of danar location where you start).

Most things you view in the game whether in battle or in the inventory, items, skills etc will come up at t he top. there will be an "x" to close the information, and other links to "equip" or disenchant etc.
IN the inventory, at the top will be your character details and stats. Under this is your equipment, hands, legs etc, when something says "slot" it means your not wearing anything in that location, eg, if it just says "headslot" you don't have anything on your head, which is why it didn't work, where as if it says "weapon, 1" it means you have a level 1 weapon equipped and can click to view at the top.

Under this is your battle stratogy and what abilities you have equipped for battle, these will be displayed type, quality, level, durability.

eg, damage, rare, 1, 15.

Under  these will be hotspots for your inventory options (important for changing between trade inventory and item inventory), how many slots you have, and then a list of what items you have available displaysed in the same way as your battle abilities.

There are two ways to get to these quickly. Firstly, you can do a search for the text "slots" and use your screen reader's jump function to go streight to the top of the inventory. Secondly, you can shift tab back until you find "drakor rules" and then up arrow from there through your empty slots to your items. You actually won't be having lots of items hang around in the game so it's not as bad as you think and sinse Drakor has a rather unique inventory system showing empty slots makes sense.

When you equip things, you will have a heading asking to equip and quite often a confirmation. When swapping out battle stratogies, you'll get a dropdown combo box asking in what slot to put what ability. it's all fairly standard and again shouldn't be a problem provided you use your screen reader to read the text.

As to battles, here is where find text is very necessary.

You have your char acter stats and those of the enemy at the top, followed by your abilities, then the round display towards the bottom with new rounds added to the top of the display, eg "attack round # 1".
This is where I personally always use Supernova's ability to jump to text. I jump to the # so that I can get to the most recent combat round and read it.

For activating your abilities, you have two choices. You can arrow up through them and find the ones you want, with the "use" and "pass" numbered options corresponding to the ability below them, or alternatively if you know your own battle abilities well you can use the hot keys, one through zero to activate them, or shift to pass, though i admit I don't use these often sinse I like to change my stratogy around.

In general I'll say Drakor I don't find anymore difficult than something like say puppet nightmares, once I knew below what links text appears and considering that supe rnova tends to remain in position wonce positioned on changing text, indeed it's no more of a problem to play than something like smugglers.

i'd highly recommend the game actually, it's got a learning curve but it's well worth it, certainly one of the best battle systems I've seen in a browser game and definitely far more interesting than the auto battle variety.

Lastly, as regards character classes, in Drakor classes and races are a lot less rigid than in some games. basically which class you are just determines which of your stats is higher at the beginning of the game and which goes up as you level. Holy Knights for example have strong heal and combat, where mystic warriors get combat and magic, and arcane wizards get magic and heal, play style is pretty much the same between all classes. Races at the moment are also mostly just cosmetic. Ratial attributes are apparently on the horizon but haven't made it into the game as yet.

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