Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

Ok. I figure it is about time for me to right down some of my thoughts about this mud. I am going to try to be as detail as I can. The first thing I did was to create a new account. I gave it a user name, my password twice and an email address. Easy enough right? It asked for a temporary name. So I gave it one, but it was already taken. This is where I got confused. I disconnect a few times and the like before I figure that I had to type connect followed by a name that wasn’t in use, a password, and an email address. Then I got to the character creation screen. I must stop here to tell you that your account that you started should have the same username you put in. the connect name doesn’t really change your username. I am assuming that you haven’t made the same mistake I made by disconnecting and reconnect thing, but if you had, all you have to do is to tell it that you want to log in instead of created an account. You will use the same username and password that you got set up before all the connect name crap. Any the character creation was interesting. I walk around the different rooms and saw what all I could be. I choose to be human here. So I went into the correct room and touched the ball. After this point, went through and typed in the different description for the different parts of the body. I messed up my hair and do wish I could change that, but still I will survive. I finished the my character creation, read the rules and policies, and then stepped out on to star command. Yes star command. At this time, getting started is your friend and you will have enough cash to get started. I also suggest leveling up before you build your skills up. I found out that when you went to get your skill in something, the mud will give you the highest skill level you can take. So, what did I do first? Good question. I got me a radio, a flight scanner and an info computer. I would also suggest getting a few clothes, and some can be found on earth. I will also tell you that the teleporter makes for really quick and free travel. It will also let you get around to most if not all place you need to be for the first few levels. There is also the taxi that covers more areas. First I did some hand mining until I could trash collect and then I switch to that. After that, I went over and started volcano harvesting. At some point, I forget exactly when, I did some water research. Trust me, the water research requires you to remember the coords of your boat. Also your wrist computer will tell you what your current cords are. The confusing part was that I was know where near my boat after I just jumped in. Don’t ask me why you are at a totally different set of coords then your boat after you jumped because I don’t know. Now for the starships. You will not get access to a starship until you are level 40 or so and even then not a very useful one. Just a shuttle that you can use to learn how to fly a starship. Help starship commands is a very important help file to read. So, how do you get trucks and trolleys to where you want them. You move them to a landing pad and type relocate. On space stations, this would be the access tubes. As for boats, you have to first load them on to a trolley first before you can move it. Now for starships. They come in all shapes and sizes it seems. I have not seen everyone, but those of what I have seen was sort of interesting looking. You have the simple shuttle that can only travel around in local sectors that cannot jump anywhere. You have vehicle carriers that have a jump drive to go to other sectors along with the abilities to move all your vehicles to where ever. There are the asteroid haulers that has a docking bay that is just the right size for a shuttle. It has the jump drive along with a warp drive. Yes, a warp drive. If you have the warp skills, you can go at warp speeds in this ship. Just remember to get yourself a few Christels. Warp goes through them fast. Also do not forget that this ship has a cloaking device and some defensive systems. As for asteroid hauling, you pretty much land, anchor your ship to the asteroid. Then you launch and tow it back to a beacon. Simple right? It is not as easy as that, because you have to take your shuttle from the docking bay to the beacon station to tether the asteroid to the station. Do not for get to allow docking before you live your hauler. You would want to get back in with your shuttle right? After you tether the asteroid, you want to use the station’s laser on it. Then you would want to smash it. Now for the question of PVP. I have not seen anyone going after anyone on this mud, but yes there is a level of PVP. There is an arena or so I have heard. I am not totally Shure how far the PVP goes, but the rules basically seem to indicate that killing someone off more than once within a very short time would not be something anyone would want to do. I think there is jail time for those who kill off other players but I forget exactly how that would work. A few more things. You might ask, is trash collecting like another mud? Yes it is, but not a complete copy. It looks like the creators based some of their ideas off of other muds. The starship system seem different then what I have seen in other muds though. Another difference seems to be the skills. I do not remember to many if any other space mud making you build up a skill before you go and do something that requires that skill. Then again, I thought I seen a star wars mud that had a skill system in it. Anyway, I hope this helps. I am thinking about going to go read a book now. I played this mud for about two or three hours on end this morning. I do not know about anyone else, but setting in a chair doing one thing gets tiring after a while. Writing this up is a little tiring if not a little bit long winded.

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