Re: I want to make action musics with my computer

it depends on what you're going for, katil. To converse with me and to read the manual's regarding text routes, you will need good english skills. Also, most of mml, a language used to code music in text, was made by the japanese, and so thus has japanese documentation only in full. Most people have made english ports of the commands listing, and one guy made a port of a whole beginners guide in his own writing to mml, the starter I used before moving on to ppmck and then xpmck. But mml only works for 8/16 bit console chips like the NES, the commodore64 which is a pain, the sega megadrive/genesis, etc. There is one more text route you can go, and that's zel. Zel is very different from mml, and yet it has a lot of similar aspects. Zel is a midi only language, allowing you to create midi files with no need for a sequencer or a musical instrument midi device. Only issue is you need midi synths, and the default microsoft gs wavetable synth just doesn't do. Also, be cause midi has no standard for instruments, you have to pull up a patch list for that particular instrument to see it's bank numbers and it's program.

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