Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

So I just had a funny thing happen.

Was fighting a level 45 creature with a level 47. I used Soul Split to get it down to like 3% health, then switched in a mon who could put my target to sleep.
At 2 or 3% health, while asleep most of the time, this thing broke out of 1 giganet, 3 meganets and 11 mananets before I saic screw it and just closed the program. This is not a legendary, so either I have tremendous luck, or there's something wonky with catch odds. I suspect the former.

I did catch Houndorf though. Nice speed on him, I'll say that much.

Dark, you say the path hasn't opened up? As in, there's someone blocking it, or there's a wall? If there is a wall, you're not following my steps. If there's a person in the way,, I'm not sure what to tell you.


As I recall it, the pattern goes like this:

Enter the tunnel by losing that fight
Run around with Ratsal till you f ind yavin, and he teams up with you
Get into a boss fight and hopefully win it, get your mons back, Yavin leaves
Go to the village, talk to people who are there. Have the cutscene on the bridge with that guy who lost his ring. I'm pretty sure you can fight Sierra here too.
Go back in, and the path should be open.

If it's not, I'm either missing something or you are indeed the target of a bug. That's just odd. I breezed right through that part.

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