Re: Question for those who live in the US

Jonicster, while I'd not disagree on what attittudes towards disabled people are like in Russia or the Ukraine never having visited either place myself, be careful not to assume that everything is rosy somewhere else just because it is elsewhere. 
My lady has occasionally experienced less good attitudes in The States, and I get the strong impression from people I've met that immigrants from none English speaking countries don't have the best time either, also university in America is uba! expensive even if you can get a place.

This isn't as a putoff, just mentioning that it's probably a good idea to actually go and live in the states temporarily before emmigrating, and I mean "live!" not just stay in a hotel for a week, also make sure you have a job, university course or something else to do over there before committing yourself, finding a place to live etc.

Btw, I find it odd what you say about Russia and the Ukrain e not encouraging big families if that is what you want, because a good friend of mine is half Russian, half Ukrainian and her grandmother is constantly trying to get her to have lots of grandchildren, ---- quite amusing given that she is %100 not! child orientated.

Of course, that sort of thing really depends upon you and what your husband/wife wants as well, though again it's not something to rush into, since even one child takes a huge amount of work and commitment. It's certainly possible to be a blind paret, my mum managed it rather well as did her mum before her, but it's not something to begin on unless your absolutely certain of what you and your other half are doing.

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