Re: Question for those who live in the US

@jonicster, "Not the good life in Britain?" I'm not actually sure what you mean by that.

About the Us, Pencilvania where I am currently is pretty dam hot, but also very spread out and difficult for navigation. I will say people and culture here are more extravert generally and I will agree that usually you do tend to find people are prepared to chat and be overly accepting. In particular, I'm quite surprised how obliging normal service workers are over here, no sullen weighters or bar tenders or the like, then again new York wasn't like that so I suspect that varies across the united states.
I also like the fact that a lot of things here are rather cheaper and a lot of stuff you can buy, from pizza to coffee is pretty higher quality, albeit you have to avoid junk food.
About housing, houses here in pencilvania are huge and have lovely grounds, all rass and trees and rivers, however in big cities apartments do exist and are literally tiny , far smaller than you'd find in london or bermingham or any other cities with very high rent and crime.

Nice as people are though, I do notice the culture is also quite a bit more polarized on a lot of issues, for example political debates here about which party is best are almost like wars, anyone who is dark skinned tends to be perceived as "black!" with a capital black, gender relations are often more polarized, the guys go and hunt and shoot and do sport and the women talk about ladies things (one reason my wife as a girl who loves sf and fantasy literature was a bit of an odd bod), and in general a lot of the attitudes are somewhat insula and lacking in experience, both in terms of religion and in terms of perceptions of other cultures. I was for example slightly appauled when my lady's brother in law, a very gentle and otherwise quite relaxed man referd to a couple of local muslims as rug heads" quite casually, (and my lady's parent's attitudes towards trump are frankly a little scary).

I'll also say the hole health insurance thing over here is something that I find quite appauling having grown up in a country with nationalized health care, hearing someone in pain deciding whether or not to go to the doctor is just plane nasty.

Apparently that sort of polarization gets far worse in different bits of the states, a friend of mine who works for an American company but has a slightly arabic appearence (even though he's as English as Prince Charlse), has freely been told in places like Yutaar that he is going to hell, has been accused of being a terrorist, and has had people honestly believe they are gods chosen and that the rest of the world is full of demons and devils, ---- that frankly sounds a bit scary and I'm glad pencilvania is rather more moderate than that.
I also think the job and labour situation in the states is a bit loopy, at least my lady has relations who literally work 7 days a week, and I have no idea what getting a job over here is like even assuming you want one, though that seems pretty difficult all over the world, still the amount of hours people work in the states even for a standard wage does seem pretty excessive for a first world country.

As to Britain, it depends upon the part and what you get involved with, like most everywhere. I will say that transport and getting around is far easier, tactile markers and audio announcements on all crossings and at least a percentage of busses, as well as all underground trains and all regular trains as well, plus an ability to book assistance and get someone to point you in a direction from one transit to another through rail, even in huge stations like St. Pancrus. I'll say that is one aspect which is a little more problematic in the states, or at least it has been on the busses and planes I've seen thus far, while it's possible to arrange assistance it often takes political w angling rather than there being an existing system in place for things.

to conclude this rantt, I don't dislike america, albeit I do miss accessible money and electric kettles big_smile. I was quite prepared to emigrate here, albeit I told my lady I'd have been quite happy living the kongo, in north korea, or on the moon if that would be what it would take to be with her big_smile.
Still America isn't a bad place, albeit there are certain attitudes, particularly the frequent insularity, polarization on many topics and often a symplistic world view that I find a trifle urcsome, albeit there are lots of good people as well, even if I do sometimes feel I'm tiptoing around my lady's parents and having to hide the fact that their daughter has married a liberal commy who isn't! a die hard republican, absolutely against abortion  or a fan of Donald Trump, though in fairness they're quite aware their daughter isn't either big_smile.

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