Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Ahoy there.
@catfish1953, explore the graveyard a bit more carefully. not just along the edges , but along the graves too.
imagine it like a table with those gravestones being cells or such. move around each colom or row,and explore the hole thing.
If you move along the walls here, you will almost certainly miss the man, least I did although being a bit careful might avoid that.
Each city has a mana hotel, this one does too. you just need to look in the city a bit more.

I am along the brightwater trail atm, or near the jungle actually, and I'm thinking my team could use a bit of a change or boost.
specially a water and a plant type. maybe a Ice as well, since I've heard so much about them.

Flameric, or the flame starter as I call it, is utterly disgusting. hell my other mons at its level do far better than he does,and have better moves as compared to his. He is a level 33 maybe 32? flame and shadow type and yet his highest flame attac k is power 45, which isn't even enough to dust a plant type of the same level in 1 or 2 hits.
This compared to mons of other types on my team,having moves relevant to their types upto 70 power,at least.
I might retire it, all I'm wondering what I should replace it with.
Fyngon is another one that I'm thinking to give the kick. Its nowhere as bad as flamric, but its just so so. In a pintch it works just fine mind you,but other water mons that I have seen at level 30 34,certainly seem to do better than he does. at least in the type attack department. I.E bergon to octana,bubble bust,ice cut and frigid touch? did I see one using that or read it in one of the posts here. can't be sure lol
Then there's the dragon water type? can't spell it, but I think it gets drench which is really good,water bomb etc reasonable over all.
Ratsul is average rea lly,and its currently acting as a placeholder for someone else that I might find that might be more appealing.

My team as it currently stands is as follows
erroir, level 28: dam good so far although it being a standard type screws it up sometimes.
flammerick level 34: sucks balls
leonatar level 38: can't say enough good things about it.
fyngon level 31: just so so,still undecided
ratsal level 28: warm body,although useful sometimes
eagawk level 34: best flying I have come across so far, although owlaws missile can be just as good? no clue.

I would welcome any tips/suggestions for mons that I could bring in that would make my team better, specially for the ones I'm thinking of kicking out.


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