Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

Well, I know that was gonna happened, because all humanity prefers t o believe in themselves, everybody clames to be wise, but when you talk to them about the true God, and when you tell them the truth about an eternal life but also an eternal condemnation, nobody like it, just because people prefer to be in their sins instead of at least allowing God to enter their lives. And I was kind of that person before I met him, but he changed my life, and he wants to change everybody's lives. But the word of God says in the book of Jonh, that people loved the darkness instead of the light. Also, the profet Isaiah says that many people call the good things bad things, and the bad things are called good things. Are this simple words? of course not, although its true the bible was written by men, I should add it was written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.
So, going back to the subject, all I have to say  is, OK then, you're free to believe whatever you want, bu t the word of God will judge everybody, and no one can asy that he or she never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, because this gospel is preached all over the world in different languages. I'm not forcing anyone to believe, there are two ways, a way of complete happyness and eternal life, or a way of darkness and eternal death in hell. And no, I'm not trying to scare anyone, but that's a reallitty, and the will of God is the salvation of the people, but obviously not everyone is saved, because in order to receive salvation its necessary to receive the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, and That's voluntarily.
@Themadviolinist: OK, and do you know the Lord as your God in savior? if not, the answer is right in the bible to know him. if yes, then, what kind of christian are you? have you examined yourself? are you a nominal Christian or a true son of God. I never said I'm superior to anyone, but the bible is clear and tells us, the children of God, how to li ve for him as he requires, that is, in holyness. I am, in fact, just a regular man, that was saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, with my defects and so. But I try to follow and apply the word of God as it is, because that's the template of our lifes


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