Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

yeah jayde, i know 45 is a bit too much, but i'm only going through manamon to get to post game, so i want to give myself as little of hard time as possible, so over leveling is not a bad idea. i will never, ever use flame starter, that thing is... if something is effective against it you could say good by to it, it will most likely die.  wish i chosen Leafox for my starter, loved that guy, though it gets hard to train him in starwalk mounten. so yeah, should i bother to grind out garerol and hydrake? i mean, i'm planning  to sub some of my party for arctanna and the ice legendary, i don't use pandorbot, but i might have to, in shadow kingdom. i really wish it will be optional, fighting the god form of irodium. also, some ideas for the post game/manamon 2 if that thing ever comes out.
1. no one said shadow admins are dead, do they? for all we know, there could be out there, gathering strength and coming back, or, they fleed to other country's. 2. this is something i came up when i won the third stadium, so you beat the guy twice, and you axedently kill him, who, how, doesn't matter, the guy is dead, perhaps one of your manamon did it? i don't know. maybe it will work with irodium in your party, pisst dragon kills the stadium leader! that would be a good line for news paper, would it? smile. anyway, his family finds out, and rena comes to find you, you have a talk with you trying to explain that it wasn't your falt, it's irodiums, but she doesn't care and challenges you for a battle! 6 on 6 battle, 3 mortrexes, that would be fun, huh? 3 mortrexes and... hmm, who i seen pack a punch... maybe 2 leanra? and one dragon type? sorry i don't have it in my party so i cant check how to spell his name and i don't think i've seen it yet. anyway this could link to shadow organisation or something, wi th you having to fight the fathers ghost at the end, again, 6 on 6, my favorite stile, full party! that's it for the post game, onto ideas for normal one.
1. maybe add something like an extra shop in manamon where you  can finish the game for real, and carry over 1, yes, only 1 manamon of your choice to the next game.
2. buy another mode, what that would do is it will buy another mode, with taimers being higher levels, more stronger, you have less chants of critting,  etc  etc. this is something i'd really love to see, and i'll finish the post when my pc restarts because it wants to update.
3. carry over, this will carry over any manamon, levels of your manamon, status item such as smelling saults, herbs, level up herbs, etc, all you will have to buy though, for example you need to buy manamon transfer, select who will get transformed to your next playthrough, and then you can  choose to carry his levels or don't. you can say, b ut i cant use a  level 70 manamon in the beginning of the game. this is what 4'th idea comes in.
4. carry over other items, such as stadium keys, arcaid case, pocket copter, etc.
5. carry over your normal items such as encounter downs, megganets, gigganets, etc.
with what can you buy all of that, if it gets added? well, not gold, that's too easy to get. maybe bonus points? bonus points can be urned at the end of the game when you beat the master stadium for the first time.
how can i get  more bonus points? maybe how much chests/items you find, how much you kill stuff, so that will stop people from using encounter downs so much. i didn't grind, for the most part, only to 25 for the second stadium, and that took less then 30 minutes, and i have over 39000 gold because i only spend it on herbs/nets, and i can add another 21000 if i will sell these jewls, i just never gotten around to it. i don't flee from the battles, not if my health i s low, anyway. so yeah, post away and let me know what your thinking.
before i forget it again:
1. as soon as i posted that hydrake are really rare, first one i encountered is... have any guess? hydrake! that's really funny IMO
2. manamon builder. yup, you read it right, that will werth another $40 easy. you unlock more as you play through the game/harder modes, if they're added. well, that's it for real.

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