Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi everyone, and Swampers!
I haven't been posting anything on the forums for a while, but am still keeping up with the bad news of Swamp, and it's developments.
While I was reading the previous posts on this thread, it got me thinking about all the fun times I had while playing Swamp. All the new friends I met through the game's chat system, all the fun times I had joking around with everyone, and just a bunch of other things that weren't possible with some other AG's out there. I did joke that even if Swamp wasn't a game, it did serve as a very nice chat client for others, who didn't want to go and kill zombies.
Swamp has gone very far in it's 2 years. So far in fact, that it not only created a place for people to chat, and kill zombies, but, it created a world wide community.
I think, Swamp is more than a game, it's a virtual place for people to hang out, when they have nothing better to do. I've seen people w ho just come on to Swamp, just to chat, and say hi to a buddy, half way across the world. Others come on, just to strike up a conversation, because it has been a long day, and they just need to let off some steam. heck, I've come on a few times, just to get zombies to chase me around, and then lead them to their doom, when i run back in to the safe zone.
I can go on and on about what Swamp has done for me and others but I'm sure you do get the point, sir Aprone.
I do feel sad that Swamp is done, and it could go away at any time but hey, I don't blame you for doing it at all.
I'm not the first to say this to you dude but, you have mad patients. I have total respect for you for enduring the hackers for this long, and keeping a cool head. Yo, if it were me, I think I'd already shut down development for Swamp a long while back already.
I'm ranting again here but, yo! Keep up the good work, and I'm with you all the way, no matter wha t your decision is.


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