Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone


You're very welcome aprone. Keep up the awesome work you're doing, and I look so much forward to your new game than never before. I hope you still have the See munkey in mind for this game. I remember you said a while ago that you had some issues on getting it to work probberly.

I don't agree that Swamp began to die then Aprone started to accept ideas from the community. I think Swamp began to die then it got hacked, and all the trouble makers started to mess things up. Well, it's difficult to say how many trouble makers there really are. I don't know why, but I think there are only a few.
The question is, is Swamp really about to die before Aprone pulls the plug to the server? there are still many, many great players in there, and I still have lots of fun each time I play the game. So I'll not say Swamp has died yet. Yeah, there are many players who don't play Swamp anymore and lots of people has been banned, but for me, tha t doesn't mean Swamp has died.


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