Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I just listened to True Zombie's death recording, and the end is really funny.  You just can't plan timing like that.  big_smile … 0bitch.mp3

Mad violinist, you did call it back then, I remember that.

For a while I was working on Towers of War 2, but it got set aside for some reason, and I can't even remember why.  Ever since then I've been working on the RPG (Daytona Steamtech, working title), and Castaways 2.  The game I've been talking about in the past few posts is Castaways 2.  It isn't going to play the same as the first game obviously.  You will take on the role of a individual person in the world, so it isn't about commanding your entire settlement to perform tasks.  Building won't be as generic as it was in Castaways 1, where you simply built from the list of available buildings.  You will be able to build tile by tile, to make anything you want, in any way you want, and then everyone gets to enjoy what everyone else has made because you can literally walk around inside of them.  I guess you could think of this game, in part, as a giant Swampish map editor that everyone is using at the same time.  Gathering resources, crafting items, and keeping yourself from starving to death will make it a little more complicated than a map editor though.


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