Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

Like you, after BGT, I tried to learn another language, and jumped from one language to another, waisting a lot of time and not spending enough time on a specific language to really become sufficient in it.
You will hear a lot of different answers to this question. Mine is c#. Visual Studio is an absolutely amazing tool. IntelliSense gives you suggestions when you type the first few letter of a keyword or declared method or variable. Pressing space or enter will type it automatically. It makes your work much, much faster. The outlining gives you the ability to hide parts of the code that you are done with and make the code much more compact and easy to work with. Plus, VS makes creating windows and other visual controls like textboxes, comoboxes, buttons etc. a childplay. And finally C# itself is a very powerful and (in comparason to languages like C and C++) easy language. Plus, C# is from the C family, and for you that come from BGT, its syntax will be very fam iliar.
About incryption, I'm not sure if .net has anything out-of-box. For sound, (as far as I know), .net has the capability of a simple player that only plays wave files. For more advance sound playing, I use a dll called IrrKlang that is very powerful, and you can use it with different languages, including c#. Although if you want to sell your product you have to buy a license for it. I haven't learn it very well yet, but I saw a IrrKlang example that lets you play encoded sound files. .Net has more than 4000 classes, so I think somewhere among them is something to encrypt your files, and if not, there are always dlls around for things like that. For screen reader and SAPI5, there is UniversalSpeech.dll that works very well. And finally I have to mention that C# is first and foremost a programming language for Windows, although you can use Mono to program for Mac and Linux, and other OSs as well. It got really long, sorry.

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