An AppleScript-Problem

Hello all,

First of all I'd like to wish you some good days and a happy start into 2017!

Yesterday I started coding an AppleScript which organices my exported Whatsapp-Chats into a good folder structure. It is finished basically, but it throws an error that the second list index couldn't be read, though it exists, at least a debugging dialog shown it just fine!

Here is the script! Hope anyone can help me out here, I really need it! It containss some german terms, they're just folder names, some comments for myself  and a dialog text, so don't be confused for those who don't speak german smile

global mainfolder
global subfolder1
global subfolder2
global subfolder3
global filelist

--Hauptfunktion ausführen
on main()
    set mainfolder to choose folder
    --Unterordner anlegen
    tell application "Finder"
        set subfolder1 to make new folder in mainfolder with properties {name:"Sprachnachrichten"}
        set subfolder2 to make new folder in mainfolder with properties {name:"Audiodateien"}
        set subfolder3 to make new folder in mainfolder with properties {name:"Videodateien"}
    end tell
    --Liste aller Dateien im Quellordner ermitteln
    tell application "System Events"
        set filelist to path of files in mainfolder
    end tell
    set choice to button returned of (display dialog "Möchten Sie einen weiteren Whatsapp-Chat-Ordner organisieren?" buttons {"Ja", "Nein"} default button 1 cancel button 2 with title "Vorgang abgeschlossen!")
    if choice is "Ja" then
    end if
end main
on copy_voice_msgs()
    repeat with i from 1 to (count items in filelist)
        --Dateinamen des aktuellen Durchlaufs ermitteln, ist für den Kopiervorgang wichtig
        tell application "System Events"
            set currentfile to name of file (item i in filelist)
        end tell
        if currentfile begins with "." then
            if currentfile ends with "opus" then
                move POSIX file item i in filelist to subfolder1
            end if
        end if
    end repeat
end copy_voice_msgs

on copy_audio_files()
    set audiotypes to {"wav", "mp3", "m4a", "aif"}
    repeat with i from 1 to (count items in filelist)
        --Dateinamen des aktuellen Durchlaufs ermitteln, ist für den Kopiervorgang wichtig
        tell application "System Events"
            set currentfile to name of file item i in filelist
        end tell
        if currentfile begins with "." then
            --Dateiendungen ermitteln und Kopiervorgang für Audiodateien
            repeat with j from 1 to (count items in audiotypes)
                if currentfile ends with item j of audiotypes then
                    move POSIX file item i in filelist to subfolder2
                end if
            end repeat
        end if
    end repeat
end copy_audio_files

on copy_video_files()
    set videotypes to {"m4v", "mp4", "3gp", "avi"}
    repeat with i from 1 to (count items in filelist)
        --Dateinamen des aktuellen Durchlaufs ermitteln, ist für den Kopiervorgang wichtig
        tell application "System Events"
            set currentfile to name of file item i in filelist
        end tell
        if currentfile begins with "." then
            --Dateiendungen ermitteln und Kopiervorgang für Audiodateien
            repeat with j from 1 to (count items in videotypes)
                if currentfile ends with item j of videotypes then
                    move POSIX file item i in filelist to subfolder3
                end if
            end repeat
        end if
    end repeat
end copy_video_files

Thanks in atvance and have a nice day,

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