Re: What kind of server would you recommend?

Ok, here's the scoop on Vultr. To create the server, you're gonna want to use a lot of virtual focus and clicking, nvda object navigation works best for this. Go to Vultr and click on deploy instance. What you'll be presented with is first a list of country, I was presented with 5, and then a list of cities for close proximity. Where you click depends on what you want. For example, since Chicago Illinois was a location below the list of 5 countries, I clicked on that. Keep in mind that while the cities are one per line, the list of 5 or so countries will appear as a block of text. So for this, what you wanna do here is move by character to the first character of the country you want, then hit insert+shift+m to move the mouse cursor to that element. Then hit insert+left bracket to do a left click on that item. You'll want to remember these two commands as you'll be using them throughout this whole process. As for the cities, you'll do the same insert+s hift+m to focus, left click to activate however it will be easier as all the cities are separated by a line. Still, it's safe to hit the home key on a line just to make sure it's focused, insert+shift+m to focus, left click to activate. The next heading is the server type, move your cursor to the 6 on 64bit operating system, focus, then click on that. Next, os selection. There will be a line that says, debian select version. Focus and click on that. Then there will be some new clickable elements, you want to focus and click on 7x64 for debian 7x64. Next there will be the hd space, memory and cpu selection. A decent one for your purposes is the 20gb ssd so focus on the 20gb ssd line, focus and click on that. After extra features, there are two more settings you wanna configure, and that's host name, you could type sljVultr for example, this is what you'll be connecting to via ssh. The label edit box allows you to label it you can type the same thing, click deploy and you're good to go! It'll show that it's now installing debian7 onto your server. The installing status isn't in realtime, so I'd say wait 5 or so minutes for the operating system to install, then refresh your browser. Now you should click on, for once, an actual clickable link! that should be labeled as whatever you named your vultr server. It will give you the overview, in which there are 3 things you should look for. Your ip address, the username *should be root* and your password. The password i hidden by default, click the show password link, or the copy password link to automatically copy it. Now, you can use terminal on the mac, or whatever you use to access ssh, and do ssh replacing those characters with your actual ip of course, then hit enter. You'll get a warning about adding the ssh key into /users/username/.ssh/known_hosts, but since this is your own server this shouldn't be a problem, just type yes and hit enter. Now type or paste in your password. You'll know it's successful when you start to hear the standard debian disclaimer, and get placed in the root of your server. The rest is accessible from here on out.

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