Re: Anyone knows the VST called VOPM?

I believe I have found a better vst fm synth than VOPM. While I do agree that an emulation of the old soundchip itself is great, YM2151 wasn't the best choice. I'm looking into more YM2612, genesis. Problem is, the only vst I've found to be half usable, genny beta, is detuned like shit and apparently doesn't respond to param updates. I'm looking into fmdrive, but it is a payed vst and there's no cracks available. Anyways, the vst I do have, that is perfectly usable with automation, is called fm heaven. It is a 6 operator fm synth with envelopes and unison control. No fancy effects like fm8, it is the bare bones of fm. The thing I love about it though is no algorithms, you get to set up the operator pairs yourself, at different levels! And you can feedback any operator you want by pairing it with itself. Don't pair that all the way or you get noise though... If anybody finds it and wants help with controling the envelopes, because that's a bi t funky, post on this thread. I may not get back to you right away, but I will get back to you. Note to osara users, add an effect, back out of it's fx chain window, hit p. There ya go!
Also another note for users of fm heaven, none of the waveforms are labeled, they are simply numbered 1 to 16. All I know is 1 is a sine, I think 2 is a triangle? Just solo an operator and change it's wave, you get a feel for what they sound like. Google is your friend!

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