proper Formatting/ presenting documents in ms word and other word proc

Ahoy all.

I have been wanting to learn this for sometime now, specially after I have started a UNI and almost about to finish it and have noticed that the documents I write up could use some clean up.
To make it easy on the eye, as it were.
I couldn't really think of a topic name that'd go with exactly what I am looking for help with so feel free to suggest something better if you can think of it.

We were talking about the good and the bad of MS Office 2016 and 2013 in this topic
which finally got me to write up this topic asking for suggestions and ideas that people often employ when writing up their documents which are ment to be for people who actually read and not have stuff read to them.

Basicly, I am a clueless bugger when it comes to this kind of thing, proper spacing for titles, alignment, where to write what looks good, what doesn't? same for paragraphs,then fo r places where you create a list or multiple pointers I.E
1. point 1,
2. point 2 and so on.
Anything at all to do with styling,spacing, indentation (which I suppose is the same thing?) what goes where and what looks good or what you'd call proper and presentable.

I don't suppose other articles on the internet would exactly tell you how to work good presentation with a screenreader, hence the topic here.
I'll write up additional questions/ doubtts as I think of them,and I am looking forward to the ideas and ways people work with their documents. be it essays, official communications (letters) or things of that nature. I suppose you could lump in notes or such  here too.

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