Re: Monthly chat January 2017

Good: I have a working braille display again
Not-quite-so-good: ... via PACMate Omni.
PCDocs likes installing crap on my computer which slows it down (... when I send it to them for hardware issues).
I feel like I've gotten more game stuff done in the past week than in the past 7 months. Past 2 years if you ignore Redsword. ... Which I just wrote a quick-and-dirty walkthrough for and fixed a couple frustrating bugs. I guess I should upload those and pretend people can understand it, then get back to work on better things.
I need a future. I doubt $100k/year would be enough to convince me to apply for any of the jobs people frustratedly insist I should. I like Aprone's menial-labor-for-cash-save-brains-for-what-actually-cares-about strategy. I guess that is the strategy of other people, if what they care about money or prestige or living up to some nebulous expectations or whathaveyou. Forbs told me that if someone hates their job, they shoul d start sending out resumes, which is absolutely forgetting hilarious.
(And when I tell people I like Aprone's strategy, they seem disgusted. Consistently. Every single one. Including the one who adamantly tells me I should not care what other people think I should do. ... Except Aprone, since I did talk to him about it once or twice.)

I finally watched the Polar Express. Why under the light did I not do this 12 years ago? I think I should do this every December from now on.

LCB has convinced me that my only real problem is not wanting to put up with awkward interactions with the public/family. .... Also "motivation", but you knew that.
So I'm in this weird bind where clearly the healthiest decision is to get far away from home, but that is the opposite of what I want to do. Lovely.

Hm. Now I remember why I've been not posting in these so much lately. I'm bad at the "chat" part. These are not supposed to be "wh at I did last month" journal entries. Also I haven't had much to say other than the Horseshoe Ranch in Jasper, Arkansas ruined most of October and November by being too much of a boost for anything less to keep me awake. I did not expect this from a place with "ranch" in the name. Also, Ziplining is way less fun than I thought it would be, horseback riding managed to undershoot my already low expectations, and if I ever have money to throw away I'll probably build a playground or Speleobox or something wherever I can find enough contiguous usable space but like that will ever happen right?

So, happy new year?

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