Re: eurofly a flight audio simulator from slovakia

True but in most* flight sims there's the option to have the rudder be automated (which is there for making it easier to fly with)

Honestly...I'm all for detail like you described Visual, I'm just unsure how willing the devs are to go all in on detail. Consider that FSX has a ton of missing features (no emergencies, simple default aircraft on par with EF's default planes for features, simplistic ATC, very simple traffic and instant restarting of flights if you crash or break your plane)

That being said I would love for the sim to get more detailed, like we both agree, I've been flying since the Flight Unlimited 1 days back in the early 1990s honestly, I can dig up forum posts of features FU2 and 3 had in 1996/1999 respectively that modern flight sims don't have. Like, the ability to declare an emergency in the air, if your engines failed, you could radio a mayday call and get vectors to the nearest airport.

SLIGHT nitpick however....

Flaps depend on the aircraft in question, there are certain aricraft that only have one flap setting,WW2 planes come to mind or the monder derivative, the air racers that run at Reno and are insanely quick, they usually have one flap setting for efficiency and because it's safer to just nudge a flap lever once and power through the climb with the flaps up without having to wait or worry if the flaps are fully retracted. And yes, teh racing P-51 was in FSX gold edition too, so there's that.

Starting the engine....well....what you wrote is true for jets. However for props it's s a different story and even for turboprops or ramjets vs turbine jets, each have their own method of starting.

Navigation....there's more than one type in actual flying, VOR, or beacon to beacon, you can navigate with a map, or indeed use a compass heading (though that is a problem when you get too close, the needle goes absoluely crazy and student pilots have crashed tryi ng to chase the needle sadly....)

Things the sim gets right:

The general airport locations (though why is the UK and Ireland missing airports, do I need to go on a submitting...wait...WHY is an entire county in the UK missing? It's pretty much one of the biggest counties too and it's missing....Devs....I'm not liking the fact you miss an entire vcounty)

Anyhow. Things the sim gets right:

Distances, give or take a few hundred m. Working out the math, it's 99%'s also inaccurate.

I'll use Hartford (Bradley) as an example since Westover ARB isn't in the sim, even though a) i submitted it and b) It's a public airport....and a military reserve base, and where I got my info about the sounds (more on that later) from.

Bradley is, in the sim, in Hartford. This is MOSTLY true. However, the airport is also in Windsor Locks. I can go to the exact spot in the sim and submit the airpot but I don 9;t want there to be two Bradley airports in the'm not entirely sure how to solve that one.

The plane selection. Licensing issues aside (it's been said PMDG had to buy a license from Beoing but no hard proof of that), the plane selection is varied, I like that....BUT.....

No iconic planes. No Concorde, no DC-3, no historical aircraft.

The sim gets it right as far as the idea of flying from point A to B. Aside from that.....well.....nah. It's sort of okay for cargo runs.

The sim gets the sounds wrong.

A C-5 Galaxy (at least the ones I have seen and heard out of Westover ARB in Mass) absolutely scream and sound like a four engined angry banshee. In other words, you can hear them clear from ten miles away.

In the sim? The Galaxy sounds muted and yes, I am aware the real Galaxies have different engines and newer quieter engines, but....I can personally attest to hearing the screaming C-5 Galaxies with the oldeder engines absolutely screaming on a climbout. Also heard F-15s screaming into the air....but let's focus on the Galaxy.

The sounds for the sim are too muted and too quiet. A real C-5 does not sound anything like the one in the sim at all.

The DC-9/MD-83  (Sme aricraft. Actually, the real planes have the same FAA type certification for pilots....) do not sound like they do in the sim. In real life they do not constantly sound like they are surging and rolling back all the time, a trait in the sim that is just wrong. If the engine in a real DC-9/MD-83 sounds like that you roll out of the throttles to back it down and let the engine get readjusted. In the sim, if you do that it'll crash the plane.

Speaking of. WHy do planes go bang on takeoff past a certain speed threshold? It's completely baffling. I have been trying for two days to make the Boeing SST (US answer to Concorde) and no matter what I try, the plane blows up on takeoff using the specs of the re al aircraft regardless of if I'm the one doing a manual takeoff or an autopilot takeoff....and the reason is always high airspeed. What's up with that? IRL planes don't blow up with full power on climbout unless it's a TWA 747...and that's still a hotly debated issue.

Next thing on my list.....the ATC needs to be looked at. On a flight from London to Southampton...I was told to climb to 5000 and immediately then told to descend to 100 for landing. What's up with that exactly?

Or a more egregious example....Smolensk north to South, 9km flight...take off in an Ilyushin, go to 500 as standard then get vectored up to....get this....8500 and back down to 100 for landing, ended up nearly missing the airport due to descending from 3500 due to the ATC needs looking at, the code for it I mean.

Also, I've stated this before but the categories for the aircraft need revising, a 767 is both a domestic and international/trans atlantic plane. In fact, I have a list of each plane in the sim with what automation it has or doesn't have, and several of the Cat 1 planes have things that would be a better fit for Cat 2, i.e. the Embraer EMB-120 has a nav hold and speed hold, and altitude hold. And that's a cat 1 aircraft that in the sim has none of those things.

IMHO, either revise the categories, put cat 1 for private planes, cessena and so forth, private planes in Cat 1 and disable passenger for the category. Put the Cat 1 passenger planes into cat 1.5 in effect (I'll think a better name later on)...and let the cat 1.5 land at cat 1 airports, but give them the automation that cat 2 has.

That would go a long way towards having more tasks to do.

Speaking of tasks, I'd go more in depth with them honestly, they all seem to be the very same thing, go here, sotpover here, go there. I know that's how it is for pilots terms of actual's dull and repetitive. The first ten tasks are a chore to get through once the distances start getting longer and longer

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