Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

The game is now converted for 2d, with the acception of the space system which still retains its 3d heading navigation, along with its procedures for launching and landing. This'll not only make things easier level design wize, but in coding terms, it means I no longer have to consider quite so much of the game world, E.G, things that wern't possible with the first person mode like actually having starships landing and being able to represent them accuritly, which was a major problem with the first person mode. As it stands now, the game resembles dmnb, with the improvement of it still including the various minny games for hacking and debris salvaging, and with the stibility improvements I mentioned, such as the game no longer having to take down the entire server if a crash happens, instead notifying you of an error and allowing you to pick up right where you left off playing.

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