Re: Asking For Game Suggestions

Errr...Aprone...I really hate to say this, but it might still be better yto look into the Paw Prints game once again!
(sorry, I probably start to sound like a "complainer" character from the game)

Namely, I restarted the game 10 times in a row, by changing the settings almost every single time, (including even the difficulty level), just to make sure it is running perfectly now.
Here are 3 extremely strange things I experienced, which I highly doubt can be sheer randomness or coincidence:

1. Once, all 6 out of my survivors, (impossible difficulty level), were female adults!
(ok, I admit, this still may be a very rare coincidence)

2. With the "so fuzzy" perk selected, (6 times out of 10), I started twice with only 1, and once with no blankets at all.
So there was a 50% "success" of that perk, meaning I haf 3 or 4 blankets only 3 times out of 6.
(ok, this can eventually interpreted as "punishment of the tr ue God for selecting a false one, so I could still live with it too)
3. The most annoying thing: Too many initial injuries.
I remember when starting the game for the very 1st time, also at "impossible" difficulty level, only 1 of my 6 survivors had a single injury, which wasn't even a broken leg or arm, but a bleeding cut-wound. (meaning all my people were able to work, complete tasks that is)
Now, whenever I start at "impossible" level, at least 3, but often 4 survivors have initial injuries, and I mean the kind of them which prevents them from working.
So I am allowed to assign tasks only to  or 3 members, of which some are often children or seniors...once even happened that I had only 1 single man capable of work...and round the half of the injured have multiple, (2, or even 3) this really supposed to be so???
Or it is possible, that injuries still have a similar "multiplying" bug to what building materi als used to have???
Tried even after totally shutting down both my firewall and antivirus program, but this issue still prevailed.
How am I supposed to survive even 2 weeks with only 2-3 wirking survivors??

Btw how are open, bleeding wounds supposed to be treated?
I never found any 1st aid-kits or bandages, which are required for theirtreatment according the game....(all I found were 2 splints for fixing broken bones so far)
If my survivors get injured during doing their tasks, fine, that's a totally acceptable risk, maybe even the result of my own fault, (for making the wrong choices), or the "game-God's will/punishment", but initially starting with only 2 or 3 people capable of work, who are often children or elderly...and on hardest difficulty level even...that's something I highly doubt could be originally planned and implemented into the game!

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