Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

except the United States isn't a christian nation by definition... it may have been founded by christians but that doesn't make it Christian. the first amendment clearly points out that church and state are to be separated. That's the opposite of a christian nation. Man I hate it when people drink that kool-aide. To deny the constitution essentially means you don't want to have an America the way the founding fathers envisioned. You don't support returning America to its grassroots at all.

If you want a government only backed in liberty, what you have is no central government. When people dictate themselves, they cannot defend themselves against other governments and will be assimilated by them, thus again they are functioning with some government, probably one that is even worse than before. Main reason why extreme libertarianism is not good.

Oddly though despite being someone who wants more liberties you want to close down on the liberties of those who are gay or transgender... I don't understand this hypocrisy, elaborate?

I can have virtues and morals without having to believe in God. In fact, basic evolutionary processes can easily explain where morals and virtues came from - the advantage of being in a harmonious, social society is much greater than just competing individually so it makes perfect sense why behaviours encouraging things such as charity and nonviolence would spring up. Its advantageous to not be stealing, killing or harming each other. Generally, systems evolve towards cooperation anyways.

Who cares what Mark Zuckerburg (or anyone else for that matter) believes? He can't prove to me objectively that I should believe in a god and therefore I have no reason to. Mark Zuckerburg is a huge asshole too, so that really just gives me more reason why not to be religious (even though that's a fallacy in of its own).

As a philosopher I have no interest in what [x] spiritualist sai d; I'm more interested in understanding my world in a model that I can understand. After all, even if they were spoken divine words, it's entirely possible that they are repeating their own interpretation that forgets the details. If god is honest, then I should be able to come up with the conclusion that he exists and that I should worship him on my own accord; however most arguments to support god, including your own, are riddled with intellectually dishonest tactics. Why does god have to be so dishonest to gain converts?

The premise of objectivity means that I should be able to determine for myself what the truth is without having someone simply tell me so. I believe in science because I can repeat science and use it to make useful results. I can use science to engineer my life to be better. Why should I believe in a fickle god who refuses to answer most requests when I can do it better half the time anyways? Hell, most people on this forum are blind, don't y ou think a benevolent god would have some sympathy and at least make the lives of the blind easier? Why should it be my responsibility, or any other blind tech developer's responsibility, when that lazy piece of shit god is sitting on his throne watching you suffer?

wait, are you one of those weirdos who believe that atheists shouldn't be in congress?...

I think the most frustrating thing about extreme religiousness is that it closes oneself off to philosophy. Don't think, god tells you how to live... considering that you quote Aristotle who's work is over 2000 years old it seems clear you have no interest in modern philosophy.

I don't believe you have bad intentions, so don't take this as a personal attack, but this is the side that non-theists are coming from.

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