Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

OK guys, I've not been able to post here because my internet was suspended for a while due to excessive paying, LOL.
Maybe I'm not gonna answer every single thing said here cuzz, that's a lot I've been missing. But, @nocturnus: excuse me man, but first I'm not delivering my  christian principals like a westborian, ya know what I'm talking about. i'm not saying here like the westboro baptist church guys, ya know what? you're all condemned to the eternal fire because you do not obey God, you fags. At first, being a non native english speaker I suppose that it is not right for us to use that word in our vocabulary. Now, you're telling me to deliver my beliefs more lovingly to be taken seriously by non believers. Having clarified that this is not about hatrid, I am not changing my way of delivering my message. Jesus himself preached with so much authority, calling to the good things good, and to the bad things bad. I am not just gonna submit myself just to say God loves you however you are to keep everybody happy, because both me and you who know the truth are responsible for the message we are preaching. I agree that this is not about bashing people with our bible and calling them names, but the message has to be preached as it is, because if you and me change the message of God delivered by Christ just to have everybody satisfied, my brother, we are going to be in big  trouble in God's presence. So don't ask me to change my way to deliver the message, because that isn't gonna happen. Plus, if I want people to take me seriously, remember that not everybody, no matter how we preach, takes us seriously and starts mocking us.
Now regarding God accepting you as you are, and loving you, yes. He accepts you as you are, yes he loves you, but all he requires from you is repentance. If you  don't repent of your sins and let God's kingdom enter your life and change it, then yuo're still a sinner in God's eyes. Yes he loved us so much that he gave his sun to die for us on the cross, but he requires from all mankind, no matter who he/she is, to repent and commit our lifes to christ to be changed, not to be left as we were before. There are only 2 possible ways for men, eternal life with christ or separation of God in hell, its all up to you.
Now going back to homosexual animals, someone asked: so I suppose you don't believe in grabitty, right? yes I do believe in grabitty as a universal law, but remember my dear friend that things like the big bang theory, and the evolution, are not biblical nor right. So don't try to tell me, for goodness sake, that it is proven that homosexual animals indeed exists. God created male and  female, man and woman as I said before; These days it is quite common to try to justify sinful ways using the animals or the science, but God established things his way, not ours. Who are we to change God's  nature? Oh and, with all my respect, you nocturnus asked me to rebuke a christian if I like for not being able to live consistently to the scriptures? well, now I do. Its sad and breaks my heart that you actually believe that.  I don't know if you're doing that just to be friendly to everybody or you really believe it deep in your heart. But remember what God told noa to do  before entering the ark? lets recall what Genesis 6: 19 says, I'm quoting the king james version: And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.
Noticed the, they shall be part? God says they shall be, not you can  maybe have male and female of each specie,  but if you want just up a pair of males and a pair of females and everything's OK. I pray that you study your scriptures before stating that, indeed animals can be homosexual, and that you let yourself to be  guided and assisted by the holy spirit. Remember that Paul said in his letter to the romans, 8 14: 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Remember that being a christian is not just to have the name of christians, its deeper than that.
Finally to finish this long post, I'd like to say a word to Simba and those who expressed their hatrid twards us christians: no, don't expect me to call you idiots, stupid freaks, my master teaches us to pray for our enemies. I hope you guys one day can have the opportunity to see farther away, and live this life that is more amazing and more superior than anything. I hope one day you can open up your hearts to Jesus, the one who was insulted,  wipped, punched and nailed for you and for me. I hope one day you escape of the rath of God coming soon to  this earth, there is an eternal  condemnation but God, through Jesus Christ is giving yuo the opportunity to go the oposit way.
And remember: God loves you as you are, but he does not want to leave  you as you are. He wants to change your life

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