Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

@jonikster, woe, woe, woe! Careful now! You are entering territory I have a feeling your unfamiliar with! You have an idea, but you don't know how to answer the last four questions of life; in this case:

  • When will you have time to develop the game?

  • Why do you want to develop the game?

  • Where will you develop the game (i.e. GitHub, this forum, ...)?

  • How will you develop the game?

Some other questions you may wish to ask yourself:

  • Why shouldn't it be cross-platform? What advantage will you get on windows that no other platform provides?

  • What tools and libraries will I use during the games development?

  • What will be the cost to develop the game?

  • Will I need professional voice acting, music, and sound effects? If so, what will be the cost?

  • Do I have the resources to even begin developing the game?

  • Do I h ave the resources to transform the game into an ongoing project?

  • Do I have the money to pay for all of the costs to develop the game?

  • How will I avoid copyright infringement?

  • What other legal issues may I run into while developing this game?

If you can answer these major questions, then some of us may be able to help you. As it currently stands it seems like your jumping into this blindly. That is definitely one way to get your project to die off very fast. It will go great for a while and then you'll run into a glitch or other such issue that presents you with an impossible-to-continue situation, whereupon you won't be able to continue developing the game. Then you'll rewrite the game and run into the same issue. So I'd be very careful how you answer these questions. Talk to others about them, and don't answer them on your own, for you are sure to make mistakes!

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