Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

OK OK, it seems that I have to clarify a few points here.
@herstseth: Calm down, my brother. Those of us who decided to commit ourselves to Christ, according to God's word, have to be ready to defend our faith, ready to be mistreated and insulted for what wwe believe, ready to  give reason about our hope. That's what I'm doing right now, and there's no need to give them names like freakin little stupid atheists, remember we do not, and cannot act the same way as them. Keep your cool, God knows that each person  will be responsible in God's presence for what they've said till now, unless they repent; Oh and, remember that ours is not a simple dead religion, Christianity isn't a religion but a lifestile.
@Daigonite: Hang onn a sec, hang onn. I've never said, nor the bible does, that unbaptized children will go to hell, or people before Christ; Lets explain this point: The bible says that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the little ones, the kids, therefore its anti biblical to say that if a kid dies and was not baptized will go to hell. Plus, saying that a kid should be baptized is antibiblical itself because, when you  descend to the waters and get baptized, you are giving public testimony of your new life in Christ, as a responsible adult.
If a small child dies today he's sertainly in his way to  meet with the Lord, because although all human raze is contaminated with the sin, a child is not yet responsible for his actions. Its different if we talk about people who already knows what's  good and what's not, and again here comes the free will and the choices of everybody. An adult cannot be responsible for a child, for it is up to everybody to  make a decision for Christ.
Now, for those pro gay people who were saying: who cares about how do I want to live, or someone else? And this goes as well for those of you who are calling God a bastard and names like that: And who are you to argue with God? heck, even who I am to argue with God and his will? who are we, small men and women, to tell God what or what not to do? Its time for everybody to remember that he created you and me, not ourselves to ourselves. Psalms 100

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