Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

Jayde wrote:

I just want to chime in one more time to really and truly clarify something.

Only code examples are going to prove that this game is borrowing Ultra Power's source code.

It doesn't matter if the two games do a few things similarly, to the average player.
It doesn't matter if a track plays in a certain menu and then stops playing when you leave that menu. This feature, in general, is common to most audio games, actually.
It doesn't matter if a menu structure looks the same.
The only, and I do mean only, thing that matters at this point is code.
If you can't furnish code to prove that this game is borrowing illegally from Ultra Power, then that's the end of the story. Sad but true.

Now, with that said, BlinkWizard, you pretty much just shot your credibility straight to hell by trying to hack the game. I wouldn't be surprised if you got banned for this, since this is directly sabotaging our game developers. Even if you are absolutely correct in all of what you've said, and the game is illegal, two wrongs don't make a right. What you've done is basically the equivalent of claiming to have found a stolen car, telling the police, and when they didn't believe you straightaway, taking the law into your own hands and trashing the potential thief's house. A weak analogy, maybe, but it works.
If you're right, I totally understand your frustration. But please understand that this is not about a personal vendetta. No one is trying to stick it to you. No one is trying to suggest that you had no credibility to begin with. And no one has a pro-stealing bias or an anti-BlinkWizard bias. Proof is just that. Proof. It's not going to be as simple as just taking your word for it. When alligations like this surface, they have to be processed. They have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It's been, wha t, two days or so? This wasn't going to happen in a matter of hours. Rather than trust that that you've been fairly heard, you are trying to take matters into your own hands. You are engaging in what amounts to illegal activities yourself, which severely damages your credibility going forward. Instead of trusting that you would be taken seriously, and would be supported if further proof supported your claims, you decided enough was enough, and decided a straight-up attack was in order. This was shortsighted and foolish. Let's call a spade a spade. Foolish may not even cover it.
And Sito, or whatever your name is, encouraging the guy to hack - this is the second time you've done this, by the way - is almost as bad. Kindly cut it out.

So I hope this clarifies a little. You're only going to prove that this game is illegally borrowing source code by demonstrating parallel code. You're not gonna do it by saying the games share feature x, or behavi our x, or by saying how much you hate hate hate hate that this game is stealing source code. Stop that. Provide code, or let it drop. There is no other proof that will satisfy. To do anything else negative at this point is basically an indirect attack on the developer. Cease playing the game if you want. Rail on skype, outside the forum if you want. But this topic is utterly ridiculous. At least when the manamon topic exploded faster than this, it was mostly game-related questions. Most of what I see here is attack of defense from one side or the other, and flaming, and wild accusations that make all involved look silly. Come on. We're better than this.

Well I guess Ivan gave enough proof that it's a stolen code eh? Or didn't you read his posts above slash listen to his recording. It's no game hacking but it's only because that thing is based on btb's src code. That's why

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