Re: Eurofly, first geographical atlas and flight simulator for blinds

The thing with that list is it is not my first email to the developers. I have sent by my own count five emails to the developers

Email #1 was a polite introduction stating who I am and why I felt Eurofly had good points, and what I wished for in updates

Email #2 was a follow up to email #1, basically building up on the points and features (which frankly people in both topics have stated though) and it was respectful and well worded and took the form of essentially an open letter

Email #3 was a request for information on certain features, and a correction to map data and scaling in certain parts of the world (that has still not been implemented by the well as adding in missing parts of the world)

Email #4 was basically a slightly blunter response to the latest update asking, essentially, this:

Why are you adding joystick support instead of opening up the sim platform more to the community

And email #5 is that list up there.

It� 39;s important to note that with the exception of email #5, at no point did I basically state Eurofly was a pile of shit. I stated in my first email that the sim had good and bad points, and stated why, and what I would like in updates. That went unanswered and none of the suggestions were in the update in question. Same for emails 2 and 3. went unanswered asidee from a remark that my data must be wrong for the third email (in which I had used math to work out where a missing chunk of a country was as well as cities, towns and airports should be) and I was told, point blank I didn't kno w what I as doing when it came to the map and it wasn't my job to add anything but airports to the map.

Side note: The area in question....? It's one of the biggest areas in this particular country and it is nowhere to be seen in Eurofly, so to be told basically, I don't know my own country's geography or how a map works was an insult.

So, email 4 came and went. I put the question to the devs....

Why are you adding joystick support instead of spending that time and effort on other, more important things such as more tasks, modding tools and so forth.

Guess what? No reply at all.

So, email 5. That list.

I may have come off as caustic and nasty but the thing is, I have tried being nce. I have tried putting my criticism and suggestions in a calm and rational tone. I have tried providing evidence. I have tried roviding real world data back up my claims on certain issues.

And all that is met with silence and nothing from the dev at all. So you can quite probably understand why I put that list together out of frustration about the silence and progress. I specifically in my 4th email, asked for a task creator to be made public. I asked for an easier to use plane maker without having to dive into the documents, and the ability to....ya know....something as simple as to bee able to....ya to allow us to autop ilot land in all weather conditions. The code is already in, we have autopilot code, we have weather, but......absolutely nothing from the developers.

But, I kid you not, the moment I send in an airport request, bang, email back from the devs with a reply for more info about the airport....despite the fact I had provided a lot of info about the airport in the original email in the form of links, and typed in information about it.

So. In short.

Yes....I'm angry, yes I'm frustrated with the sim and it shows in that list. But, it's understandable when I have tried being nice, I have tried being calm, I have tried explaining my points, and I have got nothing but silence. I have essentially been ignored by the developer except when I dare to send in airport requests, then bang, suddenly the developer is active. I've tried contacting the developer directly on FB, I've even tried alerting the developer to possible licensing issues before, but no r eply. When an aircraft manufacturer is willing to shut down free mods and games for using a virtual model of your aircraft....thtat is something a developer should know about, but no......turns out Kissoft didn't want to know about any possible legal issues with Eurofly.

So....yes, you can get why I got frustrated in the end after this, and going back throug h the topic shows I'm not the only one  who is this way.

It sucks because the sim COULD be so much more, if the developer would simply ya know....make the sim better and take the time and effort to do so. Instead of correcting map errors he adds in joystick support. Instead of taking constructive feedback in January and February, more updates, with no new content bar airports is pushed out. No new official planes or tasks. No response to any requests for information on how to make tasks, or how to extend the longevity of the game, or even any word on if new tasks will even be coming out in the future.

So, yes, if that list is what it takes to get a response from the developer, so be it....but I somehow doubt even that list will get a reply either, instead I'm expecting another FB page post about oh we tweaked the joystick support more and added 1000 new airports.

That's all well and good, but.....when the core game aspects re in need of improvement, you simply cannot keep waving new airports around and hope to tide people over can you? Or putting it another way......if you play a game to death and you've done absolutely everything, what is there left to do? You can only do so many long haul, or short haul flights before the sim starts to wear thin, and you can only wander around so many places before you start to get sick of that mode too.

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