Re: Monthly chat march 2017

@guitarman, cool about the base amp. I confess anything with strings has never been my forte music wise.
The singing thing is this saturday and the audition for the production of pirates is this sunday so hopefully our voices will hold up, that is of course assuming that the guy in the audition doesn't just do the "bugger off we can't have blind people on stage" which unfortunately I have encountered before.

James Gripando is a name I recognize, though I'll have to ask my lady if she's read any of those.
For me, most of my general reading matter is speculative fiction of one sort or another, fantasy, sf, horror etc, though I don't mind stepping out of that occasionally. My lady does enjoy murder mysteries and suspense on occasion and she does sometimes recommend me things.

David Eddings is almost the definition of a very typical fantasy quest, companions from different countries meet up, travel around, evil gods, one of his series even has the generic luke skywalker style boy hero. What saves him from being totally standard though is very witty dialogue, great characters and interesting politics.
I will say if your reading Eddings I'd recommend his primary series more than his sequel series since when he tried to carry stories on he didn't quite achieve the same hights, so for example I'd

recommend reading the first elenium trilogy, ie, the diamond throne, ruby knight and saphire rose, but not the second trilogy.
I'm actually finding this opinion reinforced since right now I'm reading the sequel series to the belgariad books, and while I loved the belgariad, I am not liking the mallorean as much. If's definitely fun and nice to read, but not imho as good as the first lot.

When I'm done with this though I fancy something sf.
Actually since my lady and I have been doing the starwars films recently I might check out the ovelizations of the second two, attack of the clones and revenge of the sith. the novelization of sith in particular was realy! amazingly awesome when I read it, and I think that was an abridged copy so now I've got my hands on the full book I definitely want to see what it's like, ----- after all what is more cool than a first hand description of what it feels like to be darth vader?

Game wise, I am a little restricted since while I'm at my parents I'm on my xp laptop, though I do have vipmud on this machine. However with muds I seem to be running in to issues, eg, in cosmic rage I can't find a way to make the latest activities work, and four dimentions is great but I keep running into bugs, indeed I don't think I've found a game I have both really liked and also really been exasperated by quite as much as I am in 4d.

I did however take a little time off recently to do some more crazy party which is cool, and I'm really! looking forward to see ing what gets added next version.
Anyway since it's close to five thirty in the morning over here i probably ought to cut this ramble short and get some coffee big_smile.

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