Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

1. You can develop in Android without getting into Java, but you cannot have the system integration and tons of libraries that Java can offer to your program. For example if you would like to use Pyton, you still need to install a package that includes the Python interpreter into Android. In short, it's doable, but I don't think it really worth.
2. Python would need something else for understanding touch screen gestures.
3. I think java would be the simplest option. This, Or C++, that I don't think could be simpler than Java.
4. You can use Eclipse for compiling android apps if you don't want to use (or can't) Android studio. There are plugins for adding full Android project's integration to Eclipse. Also you can use the command line if you wouldn't want to use eclipse.
5. If you use eclipse, it will do everything for you. But yes, you would need to rebuild the package and sending it to the tabled by using the USB Debug mode.

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