Re: Quests, quests, quests...

Ok, then I shall use 2 examples of games I am currently playing, in order to demonstrate my point even more evidently:
)both are browser-based MMOs btw)

The 1st one is Core Exiles, a futuristic, space-based MMO.
All I wish and desire to do in that game is to freely explore so far unexplored planets, while being accompanied by my faithful pet, and eventually engage into some "pew-pew action" on my way, depending on my current plans and mood.
The game makes all those 3features possible, however, I MUST accept, and complete a bunch of quests, in order to reach to the point, when I will be allowed to perform the above mentioned, so much desired actions!
Meaning, I have to do a llong row of quests in order to get a pet, then another long row for getting ready for space-combat, (ship-outfit, equipment, skills), and a 3rd, longest row of required quests, to make myself, (the pilot-captain),ready for planet-exploration.
Now excuse me please, but I do find that pretty embarressing!

In the 2nd game I play, the situation is quite similar.
It is a fantasy-based MMO called Gothador, and I have those same quest-related issues with changing my race, class, sub-class, profession, learning certain skills, like summoning a pet-creature to fight for me in battles, or using sense skill to be able to read NPC-creature's strength and stats, quests for the swift-movement ability, quests for learning magic-spells, more quests to acquire more advanced weapons and gear, etc.
While in matter fact all what I wish for, all what I desire is to freely wander over the vast game-map, explore numerous different map-regions and locations, and occasionally fight some NPC-monsters for loot...eventually some hostile players too, if we run into each-other on our way.
That is all what I expect from that game, and still...I am so far from achieving it, due being separated even from this simple goal, by a bunch of requested, or requi red quests...

Please tell me, wouldn't you guys feel annoyed , or maybe even frustrated by such limitations, which keep preventing You from playing an, otherwise very interesting game, the way You like or prefer, merely due its exaggeratedly quest-centric orientation???

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