Re: Three-D Velocity Open Sourced

TDV review.

Please understand that I'm not writing this  to make the dev look bad. 

I like the game in general. It's mostly free of bugs. It's when I start to look at it piece by piece things start to look... Funny? silly? Stupid? Think for yourself.

First, the starting cutscene. 21 minutes long, *yawns*. "Wake me up when it's over". I mean, I was bored practically through the entire thing. First issue. When chase gives Orion the report, Orion sighs. Chase: "Orion took a long sigh". Why say that when we clearly heard that? It's not a problem, just annoying. with That out of the way, it's time to sit back and enjoy 7 or so minutes of engine sound.

Or not. Someone fires a missile up are ass. Real big problem with sound design here. the way this scene sounds to me is the missile is fired, Orion speeds up while the missile is in front of us, missile flys past. I'm sorry, but the way it sounds right now I don't buy it. Orion sped up way too late and the missile should be panned farther back.

I don't find most of the game that hard.  I find that sad, actually. most of the objectives can be done with LTS. So if I were to rate the how  much  Challenge it hat for me on the scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being easiest, it would be a 4.

Back to the story. Trask vs Chase. Ok. Couple things here. First, Chase. His acting could be improved, Like, by a lot. Second, when the doctor calls,  Colonel says: "I will wait." he knew that he didn't have much time, so why didn't he attack while chase is on the phone? 3, when Larson says he's a fake, what did  Colonel nock over? 4, Chase: Larson, get up here, now!  Then he sets down the phone, And the fighting begins. he doesn't throw the phone down, he calmly hangs up, as though  he just finished a casual conversation and didn't have someone at his throat.   And the kernel. he just stood there while chase hung up. Ok. Why is it game over if Trask kills chase? Theoretically, Larson and the other guys would have arrived there, Cuffed the kernel, and lieutenant Turner would have been briefing me on my mission.  I found fight with the kernel quite easy. You just need to throw him all the time, don't let him recover. When you throw him the first time, you practically  can't lose.

The voice acting for Julias couldn't have been more better.  Chase tells us to go destroy the bridge.  I wonder, do vehicles actually cross given enough time?

Radar stations. Ah yes, and Julias himself. When he shows up Orion started cursing for no good  reason. Not once, but multiple times. This slightly damaged the cut scene for me. i found the final fight quite easy. Target him with LTS, and it's over. launch the cruise missiles, but not too close to each other.  If you do this right, he' ;s dead. On an unrelated note, let him kill you. I really  Love that death scene.   Brutus gives us a simple choice: Yield or die.  Those two words are probably the best acting in the game in my Opinion. I expected for this to be an end, to get a pat on the back and congratulations. What I did not expect, was a fistfight with Brutus. I killed him the first round by throwing him like I did with trask.  The second round with him was a little trickier. The bombs keep setting off at my location, and when I went away, Brutus recovered and started attacking me.  The third round was pure hell. Not only i had to dodge bombs,  there was a remote gun that was keep shooting at me.  I just had to tuff it out. I focused on throwing Brutus. I didn't bother to dodge the bombs or the gun. And it worked.  Nothing else struck me as  surprising ,  bad sound design, etc. Overall, I like the game. I give it seven out of 10, oh. The story is a 5 .  It would have been higher, but it was too short, and it had some plotholes.

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