Avalon MUD soundpack: german-english

Hello, this time I have problems with the Mush-soundpack for Avalon MUD.

Namely, there is a very nicely up-to-date soundpack for that MUD, made for Mush-client, (so it is integrated into a separate Mush-client copy, like the ones for Alteraeon or Materia Magica), which I downloaded from here:

Its newest version can also be downloaded from here:

The first one is a german site, the second however is in english.

The main problem is, that the soundpack, regardless from which site I download it, is by default linked to a german Avalon server with autorun, with a different name and port number from the english one, where I am currently playing.
This normally resulted in my character not being recognized there.
I do understand and write german quite well, but I would still prefer to continue playing on the english server, would hate to restart, then start playing from the very scratches again, in a language even, in which I am still less competent than in english.

I prefer using VIP-client for playing my favorite MUDs, so I am familiar only with the very basics of Mush-client.
This means I could only redirect the MUD address from the german Avalon server to the english one, but after I did that and restarted the client, a bunch of errors were announced, and the soundpack didn't function right...in matter fact the most elements, including the sounds themselves, didn't function at all anymore.

I actually wonder why this happened, since as I could determine, all the files in the soundpack directory are named in english, and the copy of the Mush-client itself is in english as well, so I have absolutely no clue what causes those errors, and why doesn't the soundpack function on the english Avalon server too???

An y suggestions or advices regarding this issue?
(maybe the solution of the problem is quite simple, it's just my lack of competence with Mush-client, which prevents me from determining and finding it)

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