Re: Survive the Wild!

I did not have an exact reason, to be honest. But I'll gladly admit that I gave Sam quite a lot of time to clear that up. The simple point is, no one would have reported this to him. He didn't even have a good reporting system in place for this kind of thing. He even admitted it to me in a private email that he would do better. In essence, we both learned lessons from this incident. The lesson I learned was to contact him first, then report it; his, I think, was to have better systems in place for this kind of thing.
@djlex, you've got nerve for saying that I've got a questionable history when you do yourself. I'd go as far as to say that nearly all of us do have a questionable history on here. I do not expect immediate redemption. I don't expect that to be fast. That'll be slow, and that will come in time. I admit that I made a mistake. A bad choice. It may even be a very bad choice. But I fixed it. If you really think domain transfers can 't take a month, you've got a seriously fucked up view of the internet. My last domain transfer took nearly two and a half weeks. And that was because I had to unlock my domain, disable WHOIS privacy, retrieve the EPP code, forward that to HostGator, then sit and wait. And the waiting was the longest and most boring part of the entire process. I didn't want Sam to go through that, so I restored his domain to him. And it works just fine now. Without my request, No-IP would probably done nothing unless Sam came up for a very convincing argument to prove his case over mine. I doubt they even read the entire report. I speculate that they actually terminated his services because I indicated that his web site linked to malicious software. It does not mean it would be specifically used on No IP; the fact that it was there is a direct violation of the ToS. If Sam does want our conversation disclosed then I'll happily do it. But since he's said nothing on it, I' m not disclosing it.
Plus, I've practically had enough of this. I make one wrong move and you guys act like I murdered, in cold blood, nearly this entire planets population and took the atmosphere with it. Even before my history got murky it seemed like I was always being microscoped. I get the caussion, I get why you guys don't trust me. But going so far as to say that I'm a cheat and someone who lies about everything and knows nothing is definitely crossing the line. Yes. I did something wrong. But really, insulting me and being overly harsh to me only makes you far worse than I am. So, here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to try and take a break from this community. I may post once and a while, but I definitely need it. So, I'm going. See yall later!

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