Re: The Eye Conditions Topic

@Draco since my eye has so much scarring from various mess-ups it is physically impossible to take my pressure accept "digitally" as one particularly nice ophthalmic specialist put it, I.E gently pressing on the closed eyelid with fingers.
Apparently I'm now extremely good at taking this manually, while pressure gun or pen simply don't work for me. So we have these hilarious conversationsDoctor: "your pressure is off the scale you need surgery"

me: "no it isn't my pressure is mid twenties at most, if it were off the scale I'd be in agony!"

Doctor: "but you need surgery!"

me: "but every member of my family for the last three generations has had a haemorrhage under surgery so bugger off!"

One thing I will say though, is being the son of two nhs parents, my mum a physiotherapist and my dada psychiatric nurse, I actually have a different view of the nhs generally. Indeed, When I was in the states getting married I was rather appauled at some of the conversations and things that happened eg

"I don't feel well should I get a checkup? well it costs %100 just to see if I actually have something wrong!"

or "I don't like what this last doctor is saying so I'll go to a different one, who recommends a totally different treatment which is impossible to get on my insurance!"

Frankly it all seemd a bit nuts to me, and what was even nuttier iswhen I discussed this with people their assumption was that people in  either paid taxes as large as insurance premiums, or were forced! to accept whatever a doctor said as lore because doctors were "The Government!"

so whatever else you say about the Nhs, I can  I much prefer it to the alternative, and in fairness in my case having grown up with two medical parents I feel quite qualified to give Doctors what for if they're being inconvenient big_smile.

Then again at the moment pretty much it's a case of see someone once a year whereupon I just say everything is fine with my pressure big_smile.

If I ever want to check if my sight has deteriorated, I just go and play my Snes big_smile.

@Afrim, that is bloody awful! sorry to hear the state in Albania is so nuts!

@Daigonite, I'm afraid I'll leave the technology and access discussion, since it is a little too close to my doctorate and after reading god knows how many academic articles on the nature of disability and writing and rechecking goodness knows how many pages of thesis I want a miner break from the subject, indeed my ultimate conclusion at the moment is that disabled people are quite capable of buggering off and leaving me alone! big_smile.

This is I'm afraid why I bowed out of the usability discussion thread, that is too much like work to me big_smile.

On the eugenics question I'm probably the wrong person to ask. mrs. Dark emphatically cannot have children, neither myself nor Mrs. Dark want! children, so the hole subject is marginally academic for us anyway, ---- besides with where the worlds' population is going before you get down to the question of whether parents should have disabled children, a much more relevant question seems to be should parents have children at all given that we're rapidly running out of room on this planet big_smile.

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