Re: Questions about C++


You ask all of these questions about can I do this or that in all of these different languages? The short answer is yes, unless you're talking about BGT. BGT has major limitations but, thats a post for a different topic. You can do everything you're asking in c++ or c#. I won't reiterate things people have already said and have already told you in other topics, but I would like to point something out that I think is a bit misunderstood.

It is a big misunderstanding that programmers need to know lots of advanced math like calculus and beyond. While this is certainly a benefit, computer science programs don't make you take math for the math itself. Its problem solving. You need to know how to brake a problem up into little pieces to be able to solve the whole thing. You don't eat a huge pizza in one big bite, you sit down and eat little pieces off the ends. eventually if you are hungry enough, you might eat the whole thing. the same th ing goes for games or any program you are making you don't write everything in one big chunk. you write the stuff for the player on this day. the second day you might do work on the sound. the third day you will do something else. This isn't math. its problem solving. This is the main thing they are meaning to teach you with all of the math related classes.

that being said, there are somethings that require math. Player rotation and movement in an FPS is trigonometry. VisualStudio is correct to a certain point. you can ask the computer to calculate for you like a calculator. pow(), sin(), cos(), and tan() are all functions you can use in c++ or another language. But if you have know idea how to use them or how to apply them to solve the problem in your game, it does nothing for you. You need to be able to take all of the little pieces and be able to assemble them into a progressively larger and larger algorithm to eventually make up your whole program.

Questio ns are good, but when you're just throwing questions up here on the forum and they seem to be the same ones over and over and over, we wonder if you're actually learning any of this. When you're asking all of these questions, you aren't problem solving. many many of your questions can be answered with a very simple search in your favorite search engine of choice. I am searching how to do many things all the time. I'm reading people's answers and figuring out how I might adapt them into my program I'm writing. I don't feel like you have this mentality of proactive problem solving. This just makes the whole coding process much much much more difficult.

did I mention programming is hard? it is very difficult. This isn't to scare you off, its just a word of warning. I've seen people tell you to just buckle down and learn a language. I would like to just reiterate that. All of this jumping back and forth between python, BGT, c++, an d c# is just dead time when you could be learning. sit down and devote yourself to a language, even if it is BGT. if you sit down and actually learn the intricacies of a language, who knows you might actually begin to understand pointers.

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