Re: Braillemon status update!

Some changes for testing are due to migrating to Gamemaker Studio so there will be some weird issues involving some things that weren't problems in Braillemon's original incarnation.

Just as a note, 9 times out of 10, an error will be the same regardless of what pokemon you choose as your starter. The only exception would be if there is a special event that changes depending on what starter you get (pretty much only events involving your rival). Also, there are three pokemon on the table. Sounds like you're all picking Charmander lol so check them out

brad wrote:

I've found a bug.
I started out fine with a charmander. Completed the passel quest, then went back to varidian city. I went to the poki mart to bye some pokeballs.
I wrote that I wanted to bye 3 pokeballs and the game closed. No error or anything, it just closed.

The game will push out an error if it closes due to an error. No error list document though, but it will pop up in another window. Hmm, I will look into this. You might have accidentally closed the game though because now in GM studio you can't block the X button...

brad wrote:

Found another bug.
I was walking in route to with a starter pokemon, sorry I can't remember which one, (maybe bringing the logs back would be a good idea?) when i came across a pokemon and went to run away, I managed to escape fine, but then the music just turned off. The only music that would play is the pokemon encounter music.
When you go back out of root 2 and back in again, the music starts up fine. But when you run away again, it stops.

Lol I patched this already, it should work in the updated download link.

Regarding your other statement, the only thing I can think of is either the water sound (which is bugged right now) or the & quot;time sound" which is the background loop that plays depending on what time it is, either birds or crickets.

seal wrote:

-Clicking on bed is bugged, try to click on 'yes' multiple times.

I'll look into this.

-Clicking arrow keys really fast makes fight outsde of the battle places, like, I entered the town and encountered the enemy. Also, two music tracks started playing at once.

Do you know exactly where this happened? I think I might know the problem here, but I need to know exactly where it happened.

-Music is playing no matter if another music will play, and i mean these short music pieces when you gain a level for example.

I need to investigate how to "pause" music", but currently I'm gonna keep the fanfare the way it is right now just because in the original game, what happens is that it mutes one sound clip and plays that one, and then when it ends it unmutes it. This is actually a limitation of the hardware on the Gameboy but nonetheless I agree with you, but there's not much that can be done about it.

Also, on the potion in the PC, since the bag can hold infinite items, it makes the PC obsolete. Thus, a potion is in your inventory at start.

1. Exploration: Can you add stereo output to the actual gameplay to have everything in fully stereo? it's sticked with movement and interaction. It will be to hear the river si somewhere on the  right or left, or other thing around you. Also. You can add wind sounds from left [west] / right [east]and lower from down [south] and higher from up [north] to let players where their can turn and find patches to go. This is really frustrating me i must search everything step by step and remembering the&nbs p; whole map. Ofcourse, i can use coordinates, which well, i hate. Numbers are mostly annoying so this is why playing with checking the position  of everything and position of your character is only making me to close that type of game.

I intend to look into this. I transferred to Game Maker Studio which has a new audio engine and the "legacy" engine from the previous game maker editions. The sounds themselves no longer have panning options available without an external editor but there may be a way to use code to pan the sounds. Not sure how I'm gonna do north/south though...

KenWDowney wrote:

I don't even start out in a house though. i start out in the little place where the computer, nurse, and pokemon trainer are. I've followed the walls around completely, so unless there is a portal dead center or something there's no way out. I named my rival, then I was in that plac e, and like I said I haven't found a way out yet. I'll keep looking, and by the way I have saved a game so that's apparently working now?

This is not the most recent update.


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